Current release:SE Hub
A Web Platform For Organizing, Managing and Sharing for SE Courses.
Why SE-Hub?
Up until now, software students who wanted to submit work, catch up on important updates and to work on projects were imposed to do so through various platforms and academic websites. Simple features like communicating with the Lecturer and classmates, or following the course progress and catching up on new updates seem so complicated.
Dont Worry Lecturer's we also had you in mind!
We cant forget course lecturers that were forced to maintain multiple sites in a single course. At times using one site for communicating, another for project and exercise supervision, making the task of running a course nearly impossible.
Our Vision
Our vision in creating SE Hub wasn't to re-invent the wheel, but rather unify all the resources needed to solve these problems under one roof - SE Hub.
Bringing to the table features like:
- Lecturer exercise tracking of individual tasks.
- Personal team messages.
- Communications made easy and accessible for both lecturers and students.
- Lecturer and teacher grading, follow up scores and etc.
- Peer assessment and activity on git-hub.
- Scheduling and event logs.
Chat Room
License and Agreements
SE Hub is a part of the Software Engineering Course at the Jerusalem College of Engineering(JCE).
©️ SE-Hub 2015 Team niptop