
1428 lines
40 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package tview
import (
colorful ""
// TabSize is the number of spaces with which a tab character will be replaced.
var TabSize = 4
// textViewLine contains information about a line displayed in the text view.
type textViewLine struct {
offset int // The string position in the buffer where this line starts.
width int // The screen width of this line.
length int // The string length (in bytes) of this line.
state *stepState // The parser state at the beginning of the line, before parsing the first character.
regions map[string][2]int // The start and end columns of all regions in this line. Only valid for visible lines. May be nil.
// TextViewWriter is a writer that can be used to write to and clear a TextView
// in batches, i.e. multiple writes with the lock only being acquired once. Don't
// instantiated this class directly but use the TextView's BatchWriter method
// instead.
type TextViewWriter struct {
t *TextView
// Close implements io.Closer for the writer by unlocking the original TextView.
func (w TextViewWriter) Close() error {
return nil
// Clear removes all text from the buffer.
func (w TextViewWriter) Clear() {
// Write implements the io.Writer interface. It behaves like the TextView's
// Write() method except that it does not acquire the lock.
func (w TextViewWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
return w.t.write(p)
// HasFocus returns whether the underlying TextView has focus.
func (w TextViewWriter) HasFocus() bool {
return w.t.hasFocus
// TextView is a component to display read-only text. While the text to be
// displayed can be changed or appended to, there is no functionality that
// allows the user to edit it. For that, [TextArea] should be used.
// TextView implements the io.Writer interface so you can stream text to it,
// appending to the existing text. This does not trigger a redraw automatically
// but if a handler is installed via [TextView.SetChangedFunc], you can cause it
// to be redrawn. (See [TextView.SetChangedFunc] for more details.)
// Tab characters advance the text to the next tab stop at every [TabSize]
// screen columns, but only if the text is left-aligned. If the text is centered
// or right-aligned, tab characters are simply replaced with [TabSize] spaces.
// Word wrapping is enabled by default. Use [TextView.SetWrap] and
// [TextView.SetWordWrap] to change this.
// # Navigation
// If the text view is set to be scrollable (which is the default), text is kept
// in a buffer which may be larger than the screen and can be navigated
// with Vim-like key binds:
// - h, left arrow: Move left.
// - l, right arrow: Move right.
// - j, down arrow: Move down.
// - k, up arrow: Move up.
// - g, home: Move to the top.
// - G, end: Move to the bottom.
// - Ctrl-F, page down: Move down by one page.
// - Ctrl-B, page up: Move up by one page.
// If the text is not scrollable, any text above the top visible line is
// discarded. This can be useful when you want to continuously stream text to
// the text view and only keep the latest lines.
// Use [Box.SetInputCapture] to override or modify keyboard input.
// # Styles / Colors
// If dynamic colors are enabled via [TextView.SetDynamicColors], text style can
// be changed dynamically by embedding color strings in square brackets. This
// works the same way as anywhere else. See the package documentation for more
// information.
// # Regions and Highlights
// If regions are enabled via [TextView.SetRegions], you can define text regions
// within the text and assign region IDs to them. Text regions start with region
// tags. Region tags are square brackets that contain a region ID in double
// quotes, for example:
// We define a ["rg"]region[""] here.
// A text region ends with the next region tag. Tags with no region ID ([""])
// don't start new regions. They can therefore be used to mark the end of a
// region. Region IDs must satisfy the following regular expression:
// [a-zA-Z0-9_,;: \-\.]+
// Regions can be highlighted by calling the [TextView.Highlight] function with
// one or more region IDs. This can be used to display search results, for
// example.
// The [TextView.ScrollToHighlight] function can be used to jump to the
// currently highlighted region once when the text view is drawn the next time.
// # Large Texts
// The text view can handle reasonably large texts. It will parse the text as
// needed. For optimal performance, it is best to access or display parts of the
// text very far down only if really needed. For example, call
// [TextView.ScrollToBeginning] before adding the text to the text view, to
// avoid scrolling the text all the way to the bottom, forcing a full-text
// parse.
// For even larger texts or "infinite" streams of text such as log files, you
// should consider using [TextView.SetMaxLines] to limit the number of lines in
// the text view buffer. Or disable the text view's scrollability altogether
// (using [TextView.SetScrollable]). This will cause the text view to discard
// lines moving out of the visible area at the top.
// See for an example.
type TextView struct {
// The size of the text area. If set to 0, the text view will use the entire
// available space.
width, height int
// The text buffer.
text strings.Builder
// The line index. It is valid at any time but may not contain trailing
// lines which are not visible.
lineIndex []*textViewLine
// The screen width of the longest line in the index.
longestLine int
// Regions mapped by their ID to the line where they start. Regions which
// cannot be found in [TextView.lineIndex] are not contained.
regions map[string]int
// The label text shown, usually when part of a form.
label string
// The width of the text area's label.
labelWidth int
// The label style.
labelStyle tcell.Style
// The text alignment, one of AlignLeft, AlignCenter, or AlignRight.
align int
// Currently highlighted regions.
highlights map[string]struct{}
// The last width for which the current text view was drawn.
lastWidth int
// The height of the content the last time the text view was drawn.
pageSize int
// The index of the first line shown in the text view.
lineOffset int
// If set to true, the text view will always remain at the end of the
// content when text is added.
trackEnd bool
// The width of the characters to be skipped on each line (not used in wrap
// mode).
columnOffset int
// The maximum number of lines kept in the line index, effectively the
// latest word-wrapped lines. Ignored if 0.
maxLines int
// If set to true, the text view will keep a buffer of text which can be
// navigated when the text is longer than what fits into the box.
scrollable bool
// If set to true, lines that are longer than the available width are
// wrapped onto the next line. If set to false, any characters beyond the
// available width are discarded.
wrap bool
// If set to true and if wrap is also true, Unicode line breaking is
// applied.
wordWrap bool
// The (starting) style of the text. This also defines the background color
// of the main text element.
textStyle tcell.Style
// Whether or not style tags are used.
styleTags bool
// Whether or not region tags are used.
regionTags bool
// A temporary flag which, when true, will automatically bring the current
// highlight(s) into the visible screen the next time the text view is
// drawn.
scrollToHighlights bool
// If true, setting new highlights will be a XOR instead of an overwrite
// operation.
toggleHighlights bool
// An optional function which is called when the content of the text view
// has changed.
changed func()
// An optional function which is called when the user presses one of the
// following keys: Escape, Enter, Tab, Backtab.
done func(tcell.Key)
// An optional function which is called when one or more regions were
// highlighted.
highlighted func(added, removed, remaining []string)
// A callback function set by the Form class and called when the user leaves
// this form item.
finished func(tcell.Key)
// NewTextView returns a new text view.
func NewTextView() *TextView {
return &TextView{
Box: NewBox(),
labelStyle: tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(Styles.SecondaryTextColor),
highlights: make(map[string]struct{}),
lineOffset: -1,
scrollable: true,
align: AlignLeft,
wrap: true,
wordWrap: true,
textStyle: tcell.StyleDefault.Background(Styles.PrimitiveBackgroundColor).Foreground(Styles.PrimaryTextColor),
regionTags: false,
styleTags: false,
// SetLabel sets the text to be displayed before the text view.
func (t *TextView) SetLabel(label string) *TextView {
t.label = label
return t
// GetLabel returns the text to be displayed before the text view.
func (t *TextView) GetLabel() string {
return t.label
// SetLabelWidth sets the screen width of the label. A value of 0 will cause the
// primitive to use the width of the label string.
func (t *TextView) SetLabelWidth(width int) *TextView {
t.labelWidth = width
return t
// SetSize sets the screen size of the main text element of the text view. This
// element is always located next to the label which is always located in the
// top left corner. If any of the values are 0 or larger than the available
// space, the available space will be used.
func (t *TextView) SetSize(rows, columns int) *TextView {
t.width = columns
t.height = rows
return t
// GetFieldWidth returns this primitive's field width.
func (t *TextView) GetFieldWidth() int {
return t.width
// GetFieldHeight returns this primitive's field height.
func (t *TextView) GetFieldHeight() int {
return t.height
// SetDisabled sets whether or not the item is disabled / read-only.
func (t *TextView) SetDisabled(disabled bool) FormItem {
return t // Text views are always read-only.
// SetScrollable sets the flag that decides whether or not the text view is
// scrollable. If false, text that moves above the text view's top row will be
// permanently deleted.
func (t *TextView) SetScrollable(scrollable bool) *TextView {
t.scrollable = scrollable
if !scrollable {
t.trackEnd = true
return t
// SetWrap sets the flag that, if true, leads to lines that are longer than the
// available width being wrapped onto the next line. If false, any characters
// beyond the available width are not displayed.
func (t *TextView) SetWrap(wrap bool) *TextView {
if t.wrap != wrap {
t.resetIndex() // This invalidates the entire index.
t.wrap = wrap
return t
// SetWordWrap sets the flag that, if true and if the "wrap" flag is also true
// (see [TextView.SetWrap]), wraps according to [Unicode Standard Annex #14].
// This flag is ignored if the "wrap" flag is false.
func (t *TextView) SetWordWrap(wrapOnWords bool) *TextView {
if t.wrap && t.wordWrap != wrapOnWords {
t.resetIndex() // This invalidates the entire index.
t.wordWrap = wrapOnWords
return t
// SetMaxLines sets the maximum number of lines for this text view. Lines at the
// beginning of the text will be discarded when the text view is drawn, so as to
// remain below this value. Only lines above the first visible line are removed.
// Broken-over lines via word/character wrapping are counted individually.
// Note that [TextView.GetText] will return the shortened text.
// A value of 0 (the default) will keep all lines in place.
func (t *TextView) SetMaxLines(maxLines int) *TextView {
t.maxLines = maxLines
return t
// SetTextAlign sets the text alignment within the text view. This must be
// either AlignLeft, AlignCenter, or AlignRight.
func (t *TextView) SetTextAlign(align int) *TextView {
t.align = align
return t
// SetTextColor sets the initial color of the text.
func (t *TextView) SetTextColor(color tcell.Color) *TextView {
t.textStyle = t.textStyle.Foreground(color)
return t
// SetBackgroundColor overrides its implementation in Box to set the background
// color of this primitive. For backwards compatibility reasons, it also sets
// the background color of the main text element.
func (t *TextView) SetBackgroundColor(color tcell.Color) *Box {
t.textStyle = t.textStyle.Background(color)
return t.Box
// SetTextStyle sets the initial style of the text. This style's background
// color also determines the background color of the main text element.
func (t *TextView) SetTextStyle(style tcell.Style) *TextView {
t.textStyle = style
return t
// SetText sets the text of this text view to the provided string. Previously
// contained text will be removed. As with writing to the text view io.Writer
// interface directly, this does not trigger an automatic redraw but it will
// trigger the "changed" callback if one is set.
func (t *TextView) SetText(text string) *TextView {
defer t.Unlock()
if t.changed != nil {
go t.changed()
return t
// GetText returns the current text of this text view. If "stripAllTags" is set
// to true, any region/style tags are stripped from the text.
func (t *TextView) GetText(stripAllTags bool) string {
if !stripAllTags || (!t.styleTags && !t.regionTags) {
return t.text.String()
var (
str strings.Builder
state *stepState
text = t.text.String()
opts stepOptions
ch string
if t.styleTags {
opts = stepOptionsStyle
if t.regionTags {
opts |= stepOptionsRegion
for len(text) > 0 {
ch, text, state = step(text, state, opts)
return str.String()
// GetOriginalLineCount returns the number of lines in the original text buffer,
// without applying any wrapping. This is an expensive call as it needs to
// iterate over the entire text.
func (t *TextView) GetOriginalLineCount() int {
if t.text.Len() == 0 {
return 0
var (
state *stepState
str = t.text.String()
lines int = 1
for len(str) > 0 {
_, str, state = step(str, state, stepOptionsNone)
if lineBreak, optional := state.LineBreak(); lineBreak && !optional {
return lines
// SetDynamicColors sets the flag that allows the text color to be changed
// dynamically with style tags. See class description for details.
func (t *TextView) SetDynamicColors(dynamic bool) *TextView {
if t.styleTags != dynamic {
t.resetIndex() // This invalidates the entire index.
t.styleTags = dynamic
return t
// SetRegions sets the flag that allows to define regions in the text. See class
// description for details.
func (t *TextView) SetRegions(regions bool) *TextView {
if t.regionTags != regions {
t.resetIndex() // This invalidates the entire index.
t.regionTags = regions
return t
// SetChangedFunc sets a handler function which is called when the text of the
// text view has changed. This is useful when text is written to this
// [io.Writer] in a separate goroutine. Doing so does not automatically cause
// the screen to be refreshed so you may want to use the "changed" handler to
// redraw the screen.
// Note that to avoid race conditions or deadlocks, there are a few rules you
// should follow:
// - You can call [Application.Draw] from this handler.
// - You can call [TextView.HasFocus] from this handler.
// - During the execution of this handler, access to any other variables from
// this primitive or any other primitive must be queued using
// [Application.QueueUpdate].
// See package description for details on dealing with concurrency.
func (t *TextView) SetChangedFunc(handler func()) *TextView {
t.changed = handler
return t
// SetDoneFunc sets a handler which is called when the user presses on the
// following keys: Escape, Enter, Tab, Backtab. The key is passed to the
// handler.
func (t *TextView) SetDoneFunc(handler func(key tcell.Key)) *TextView {
t.done = handler
return t
// SetHighlightedFunc sets a handler which is called when the list of currently
// highlighted regions change. It receives a list of region IDs which were newly
// highlighted, those that are not highlighted anymore, and those that remain
// highlighted.
// Note that because regions are only determined when drawing the text view,
// this function can only fire for regions that have existed when the text view
// was last drawn.
func (t *TextView) SetHighlightedFunc(handler func(added, removed, remaining []string)) *TextView {
t.highlighted = handler
return t
// SetFinishedFunc sets a callback invoked when the user leaves this form item.
func (t *TextView) SetFinishedFunc(handler func(key tcell.Key)) FormItem {
t.finished = handler
return t
// SetFormAttributes sets attributes shared by all form items.
func (t *TextView) SetFormAttributes(labelWidth int, labelColor, bgColor, fieldTextColor, fieldBgColor tcell.Color) FormItem {
t.labelWidth = labelWidth
t.backgroundColor = bgColor
t.labelStyle = t.labelStyle.Foreground(labelColor)
// We ignore the field background color because this is a read-only element.
t.textStyle = tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(fieldTextColor).Background(bgColor)
return t
// ScrollTo scrolls to the specified row and column (both starting with 0).
func (t *TextView) ScrollTo(row, column int) *TextView {
if !t.scrollable {
return t
t.lineOffset = row
t.columnOffset = column
t.trackEnd = false
return t
// ScrollToBeginning scrolls to the top left corner of the text if the text view
// is scrollable.
func (t *TextView) ScrollToBeginning() *TextView {
if !t.scrollable {
return t
t.trackEnd = false
t.lineOffset = 0
t.columnOffset = 0
return t
// ScrollToEnd scrolls to the bottom left corner of the text if the text view
// is scrollable. Adding new rows to the end of the text view will cause it to
// scroll with the new data.
func (t *TextView) ScrollToEnd() *TextView {
if !t.scrollable {
return t
t.trackEnd = true
t.columnOffset = 0
return t
// GetScrollOffset returns the number of rows and columns that are skipped at
// the top left corner when the text view has been scrolled.
func (t *TextView) GetScrollOffset() (row, column int) {
return t.lineOffset, t.columnOffset
// Clear removes all text from the buffer. This triggers the "changed" callback.
func (t *TextView) Clear() *TextView {
defer t.Unlock()
if t.changed != nil {
go t.changed()
return t
// clear is the internal implementation of clear. It is used by TextViewWriter
// and anywhere that we need to perform a write without locking the buffer.
func (t *TextView) clear() {
// Highlight specifies which regions should be highlighted. If highlight
// toggling is set to true (see [TextView.SetToggleHighlights]), the highlight
// of the provided regions is toggled (i.e. highlighted regions are
// un-highlighted and vice versa). If toggling is set to false, the provided
// regions are highlighted and all other regions will not be highlighted (you
// may also provide nil to turn off all highlights).
// For more information on regions, see class description. Empty region strings
// or regions not contained in the text are ignored.
// Text in highlighted regions will be drawn inverted, i.e. with their
// background and foreground colors swapped.
// If toggling is set to false, clicking outside of any region will remove all
// highlights.
// This function is expensive if a specified region is in a part of the text
// that has not yet been parsed.
func (t *TextView) Highlight(regionIDs ...string) *TextView {
// Make sure we know these regions.
t.parseAhead(t.lastWidth, func(lineNumber int, line *textViewLine) bool {
for _, regionID := range regionIDs {
if _, ok := t.regions[regionID]; !ok {
return false
return true
// Remove unknown regions.
newRegions := make([]string, 0, len(regionIDs))
for _, regionID := range regionIDs {
if _, ok := t.regions[regionID]; ok {
newRegions = append(newRegions, regionID)
regionIDs = newRegions
// Toggle highlights.
if t.toggleHighlights {
var newIDs []string
for regionID := range t.highlights {
for _, id := range regionIDs {
if regionID == id {
continue HighlightLoop
newIDs = append(newIDs, regionID)
for _, regionID := range regionIDs {
if _, ok := t.highlights[regionID]; !ok {
newIDs = append(newIDs, regionID)
regionIDs = newIDs
} // Now we have a list of region IDs that end up being highlighted.
// Determine added and removed regions.
var added, removed, remaining []string
if t.highlighted != nil {
for _, regionID := range regionIDs {
if _, ok := t.highlights[regionID]; ok {
remaining = append(remaining, regionID)
delete(t.highlights, regionID)
} else {
added = append(added, regionID)
for regionID := range t.highlights {
removed = append(removed, regionID)
// Make new selection.
t.highlights = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, id := range regionIDs {
if id == "" {
t.highlights[id] = struct{}{}
// Notify.
if t.highlighted != nil && (len(added) > 0 || len(removed) > 0) {
t.highlighted(added, removed, remaining)
return t
// GetHighlights returns the IDs of all currently highlighted regions.
func (t *TextView) GetHighlights() (regionIDs []string) {
for id := range t.highlights {
regionIDs = append(regionIDs, id)
// SetToggleHighlights sets a flag to determine how regions are highlighted.
// When set to true, the [TextView.Highlight] function (or a mouse click) will
// toggle the provided/selected regions. When set to false, [TextView.Highlight]
// (or a mouse click) will simply highlight the provided regions.
func (t *TextView) SetToggleHighlights(toggle bool) *TextView {
t.toggleHighlights = toggle
return t
// ScrollToHighlight will cause the visible area to be scrolled so that the
// highlighted regions appear in the visible area of the text view. This
// repositioning happens the next time the text view is drawn. It happens only
// once so you will need to call this function repeatedly to always keep
// highlighted regions in view.
// Nothing happens if there are no highlighted regions or if the text view is
// not scrollable.
func (t *TextView) ScrollToHighlight() *TextView {
if len(t.highlights) == 0 || !t.scrollable || !t.regionTags {
return t
t.scrollToHighlights = true
t.trackEnd = false
return t
// GetRegionText returns the text of the first region with the given ID. If
// dynamic colors are enabled, style tags are stripped from the text.
// If the region does not exist or if regions are turned off, an empty string
// is returned.
// This function can be expensive if the specified region is way beyond the
// visible area of the text view as the text needs to be parsed until the region
// can be found, or if the region does not contain any text.
func (t *TextView) GetRegionText(regionID string) string {
if !t.regionTags || regionID == "" {
return ""
// Parse until we find the region.
lineNumber, ok := t.regions[regionID]
if !ok {
lineNumber = -1
t.parseAhead(t.lastWidth, func(number int, line *textViewLine) bool {
lineNumber, ok = t.regions[regionID]
return ok
if lineNumber < 0 {
return "" // We couldn't find this region.
// Extract text from region.
var (
line = t.lineIndex[lineNumber]
text = t.text.String()[line.offset:]
st = *line.state
state = &st
options = stepOptionsRegion
regionText strings.Builder
if t.styleTags {
options |= stepOptionsStyle
for len(text) > 0 {
var ch string
ch, text, state = step(text, state, options)
if state.region == regionID {
} else if regionText.Len() > 0 {
return regionText.String()
// Focus is called when this primitive receives focus.
func (t *TextView) Focus(delegate func(p Primitive)) {
// Implemented here with locking because this is used by layout primitives.
defer t.Unlock()
// But if we're part of a form and not scrollable, there's nothing the user
// can do here so we're finished.
if t.finished != nil && !t.scrollable {
// HasFocus returns whether or not this primitive has focus.
func (t *TextView) HasFocus() bool {
// Implemented here with locking because this may be used in the "changed"
// callback.
defer t.Unlock()
return t.Box.HasFocus()
// Write lets us implement the io.Writer interface.
func (t *TextView) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
defer t.Unlock()
return t.write(p)
// write is the internal implementation of Write. It is used by [TextViewWriter]
// and anywhere that we need to perform a write without locking the buffer.
func (t *TextView) write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// Notify at the end.
changed := t.changed
if changed != nil {
defer func() {
// We always call the "changed" function in a separate goroutine to avoid
// deadlocks.
go changed()
return t.text.Write(p)
// BatchWriter returns a new writer that can be used to write into the buffer
// but without Locking/Unlocking the buffer on every write, as [TextView.Write]
// and [TextView.Clear] do. The lock will be acquired once when BatchWriter is
// called, and will be released when the returned writer is closed. Example:
// tv := tview.NewTextView()
// w := tv.BatchWriter()
// defer w.Close()
// w.Clear()
// fmt.Fprintln(w, "To sit in solemn silence")
// fmt.Fprintln(w, "on a dull, dark, dock")
// fmt.Println(tv.GetText(false))
// Note that using the batch writer requires you to manage any issues that may
// arise from concurrency yourself. See package description for details on
// dealing with concurrency.
func (t *TextView) BatchWriter() TextViewWriter {
return TextViewWriter{
t: t,
// resetIndex resets all indexed data, including the line index.
func (t *TextView) resetIndex() {
t.lineIndex = nil
t.regions = make(map[string]int)
t.longestLine = 0
// parseAhead parses the text buffer starting at the last line in
// [TextView.lineIndex] until either the end of the buffer or until stop returns
// true for the last complete line that was parsed. If wrapping is enabled,
// width will be used as the available screen width. If width is 0, it is
// assumed that there is no wrapping. This can happen when this function is
// called before the first time [TextView.Draw] is called.
// There is no guarantee that stop will ever be called.
// The function adds entries to the [TextView.lineIndex] slice and the
// [TextView.regions] map and adjusts [TextView.longestLine].
func (t *TextView) parseAhead(width int, stop func(lineNumber int, line *textViewLine) bool) {
if t.text.Len() == 0 {
return // No text. Nothing to parse.
// If width is 0, make it infinite.
if width == 0 {
width = math.MaxInt
// What kind of tags do we scan for?
var options stepOptions
if t.styleTags {
options |= stepOptionsStyle
if t.regionTags {
options |= stepOptionsRegion
// Start parsing at the last line in the index.
var lastLine *textViewLine
str := t.text.String()
if len(t.lineIndex) == 0 {
// Insert the first line.
lastLine = &textViewLine{
state: &stepState{
unisegState: -1,
style: t.textStyle,
t.lineIndex = append(t.lineIndex, lastLine)
} else {
// Reset the last line.
lastLine = t.lineIndex[len(t.lineIndex)-1]
lastLine.width = 0
lastLine.length = 0
str = str[lastLine.offset:]
// Parse.
var (
lastOption int // Text index of the last optional split point.
lastOptionWidth int // Line width at last optional split point.
lastOptionState *stepState // State at last optional split point.
leftPos int // The current position in the line (only for left-alignment).
offset = lastLine.offset // Text index of the current position.
st = *lastLine.state // Current state.
state = &st // Pointer to current state.
for len(str) > 0 {
var c string
region := state.region
c, str, state = step(str, state, options)
w := state.Width()
if c == "\t" {
if t.align == AlignLeft {
w = TabSize - leftPos%TabSize
} else {
w = TabSize
length := state.GrossLength()
// Would it exceed the line width?
if t.wrap && lastLine.width+w > width {
if lastOptionWidth == 0 {
// No split point so far. Just split at the current position.
if stop(len(t.lineIndex)-1, lastLine) {
st := *state
lastLine = &textViewLine{
offset: offset,
state: &st,
lastOption, lastOptionWidth, leftPos = 0, 0, 0
} else {
// Split at the last split point.
newLine := &textViewLine{
offset: lastLine.offset + lastOption,
width: lastLine.width - lastOptionWidth,
length: lastLine.length - lastOption,
state: lastOptionState,
lastLine.width = lastOptionWidth
lastLine.length = lastOption
if stop(len(t.lineIndex)-1, lastLine) {
lastLine = newLine
lastOption, lastOptionWidth = 0, 0
leftPos -= lastOptionWidth
t.lineIndex = append(t.lineIndex, lastLine)
// Move ahead.
lastLine.width += w
lastLine.length += length
offset += length
leftPos += w
// Do we have a new longest line?
if lastLine.width > t.longestLine {
t.longestLine = lastLine.width
// Check for split points.
if lineBreak, optional := state.LineBreak(); lineBreak {
if optional {
if t.wrap && t.wordWrap {
// Remember this split point.
lastOption = offset - lastLine.offset
lastOptionWidth = lastLine.width
st := *state
lastOptionState = &st
} else {
// We must split here.
if stop(len(t.lineIndex)-1, lastLine) {
st := *state
lastLine = &textViewLine{
offset: offset,
state: &st,
t.lineIndex = append(t.lineIndex, lastLine)
lastOption, lastOptionWidth, leftPos = 0, 0, 0
// Add new regions if any.
if t.regionTags && state.region != "" && state.region != region {
if _, ok := t.regions[state.region]; !ok {
t.regions[state.region] = len(t.lineIndex) - 1
// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen.
func (t *TextView) Draw(screen tcell.Screen) {
t.Box.DrawForSubclass(screen, t)
defer t.Unlock()
// Get the available size.
x, y, width, height := t.GetInnerRect()
t.pageSize = height
// Draw label.
_, labelBg, _ := t.labelStyle.Decompose()
if t.labelWidth > 0 {
labelWidth := t.labelWidth
if labelWidth > width {
labelWidth = width
printWithStyle(screen, t.label, x, y, 0, labelWidth, AlignLeft, t.labelStyle, labelBg == tcell.ColorDefault)
x += labelWidth
width -= labelWidth
} else {
_, _, drawnWidth := printWithStyle(screen, t.label, x, y, 0, width, AlignLeft, t.labelStyle, labelBg == tcell.ColorDefault)
x += drawnWidth
width -= drawnWidth
// What's the space for the text element?
if t.width > 0 && t.width < width {
width = t.width
if t.height > 0 && t.height < height {
height = t.height
if width <= 0 {
return // No space left for the text area.
// Draw the text element if necessary.
_, bg, _ := t.textStyle.Decompose()
if bg != t.backgroundColor {
for row := 0; row < height; row++ {
for column := 0; column < width; column++ {
screen.SetContent(x+column, y+row, ' ', nil, t.textStyle)
// If the width has changed, we need to reindex.
if width != t.lastWidth && t.wrap {
t.lastWidth = width
// What are our parse options?
var options stepOptions
if t.styleTags {
options |= stepOptionsStyle
if t.regionTags {
options |= stepOptionsRegion
// Scroll to highlighted regions.
if t.regionTags && t.scrollToHighlights {
// Make sure we know all highlighted regions.
t.parseAhead(width, func(lineNumber int, line *textViewLine) bool {
for regionID := range t.highlights {
if _, ok := t.regions[regionID]; !ok {
return false
t.highlights[regionID] = struct{}{}
return true
// What is the line range for all highlighted regions?
var (
firstRegion string
fromHighlight, toHighlight int
for regionID := range t.highlights {
// We can safely assume that the region is known.
line := t.regions[regionID]
if firstRegion == "" || line > toHighlight {
toHighlight = line
if firstRegion == "" || line < fromHighlight {
fromHighlight = line
firstRegion = regionID
if firstRegion != "" {
// Do we fit the entire height?
if toHighlight-fromHighlight+1 < height {
// Yes, let's center the highlights.
t.lineOffset = (fromHighlight + toHighlight - height) / 2
} else {
// No, let's move to the start of the highlights.
t.lineOffset = fromHighlight
// If the highlight is too far to the right, move it to the middle.
if t.wrap {
// Find the first highlight's column in screen space.
line := t.lineIndex[fromHighlight]
st := *line.state
state := &st
str := t.text.String()[line.offset:]
var posHighlight int
for len(str) > 0 && posHighlight < line.width && state.region != firstRegion {
_, str, state = step(str, state, options)
posHighlight += state.Width()
if posHighlight-t.columnOffset > 3*width/4 {
t.columnOffset = posHighlight - width/2
// If the highlight is off-screen on the left, move it on-screen.
if posHighlight-t.columnOffset < 0 {
t.columnOffset = posHighlight - width/4
t.scrollToHighlights = false
// Make sure our index has enough lines.
t.parseAhead(width, func(lineNumber int, line *textViewLine) bool {
return lineNumber >= t.lineOffset+height
// Adjust line offset.
if t.trackEnd {
t.parseAhead(width, func(lineNumber int, line *textViewLine) bool {
return false
t.lineOffset = len(t.lineIndex) - height
if t.lineOffset > len(t.lineIndex)-height {
t.lineOffset = len(t.lineIndex) - height
if t.lineOffset < 0 {
t.lineOffset = 0
// Adjust column offset.
if t.align == AlignLeft || t.align == AlignRight {
if t.columnOffset+width > t.longestLine {
t.columnOffset = t.longestLine - width
if t.columnOffset < 0 {
t.columnOffset = 0
} else { // AlignCenter.
half := (t.longestLine - width) / 2
if half > 0 {
if t.columnOffset > half {
t.columnOffset = half
if t.columnOffset < -half {
t.columnOffset = -half
} else {
t.columnOffset = 0
// Draw visible lines.
for line := t.lineOffset; line < len(t.lineIndex); line++ {
// Are we done?
if line-t.lineOffset >= height {
info := t.lineIndex[line]
info.regions = nil
// Determine starting point of the text and the screen.
var skipWidth, xPos int
switch t.align {
case AlignLeft:
skipWidth = t.columnOffset
case AlignCenter:
skipWidth = t.columnOffset + (info.width-width)/2
if skipWidth < 0 {
skipWidth = 0
xPos = (width-info.width)/2 - t.columnOffset
case AlignRight:
maxWidth := width
if t.longestLine > width {
maxWidth = t.longestLine
skipWidth = t.columnOffset - (maxWidth - info.width)
if skipWidth < 0 {
skipWidth = 0
xPos = maxWidth - info.width - t.columnOffset
// Draw the line text.
str := t.text.String()[info.offset:]
st := *info.state
state := &st
var processed int
for len(str) > 0 && xPos < width && processed < info.length {
var ch string
ch, str, state = step(str, state, options)
w := state.Width()
if ch == "\t" {
if t.align == AlignLeft {
w = TabSize - xPos%TabSize
} else {
w = TabSize
processed += state.GrossLength()
// Don't draw anything while we skip characters.
if skipWidth > 0 {
skipWidth -= w
// Draw this character.
if w > 0 {
style := state.Style()
// Do we highlight this character?
var highlighted bool
if state.region != "" {
if _, ok := t.highlights[state.region]; ok {
highlighted = true
if highlighted {
fg, bg, _ := style.Decompose()
if bg == t.backgroundColor {
r, g, b := fg.RGB()
c := colorful.Color{R: float64(r) / 255, G: float64(g) / 255, B: float64(b) / 255}
_, _, li := c.Hcl()
if li < .5 {
bg = tcell.ColorWhite
} else {
bg = tcell.ColorBlack
style = style.Background(fg).Foreground(bg)
// Paint on screen.
for offset := w - 1; offset >= 0; offset-- {
runes := []rune(ch)
if offset == 0 {
screen.SetContent(x+xPos+offset, y+line-t.lineOffset, runes[0], runes[1:], style)
} else {
screen.SetContent(x+xPos+offset, y+line-t.lineOffset, ' ', nil, style)
// Register this region.
if state.region != "" {
if info.regions == nil {
info.regions = make(map[string][2]int)
fromTo, ok := info.regions[state.region]
if !ok {
fromTo = [2]int{xPos, xPos + w}
} else {
if xPos < fromTo[0] {
fromTo[0] = xPos
if xPos+w > fromTo[1] {
fromTo[1] = xPos + w
info.regions[state.region] = fromTo
xPos += w
// If this view is not scrollable, we'll purge the buffer of lines that have
// scrolled out of view.
var purgeStart int
if !t.scrollable && t.lineOffset > 0 {
purgeStart = t.lineOffset
// If we reached the maximum number of lines, we'll purge the buffer of the
// oldest lines.
if t.maxLines > 0 && len(t.lineIndex) > t.maxLines {
purgeStart = len(t.lineIndex) - t.maxLines
// Purge.
if purgeStart > 0 && purgeStart < len(t.lineIndex) {
newText := t.text.String()[t.lineIndex[purgeStart].offset:]
t.lineOffset = 0
// InputHandler returns the handler for this primitive.
func (t *TextView) InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) {
return t.WrapInputHandler(func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive)) {
key := event.Key()
if key == tcell.KeyEscape || key == tcell.KeyEnter || key == tcell.KeyTab || key == tcell.KeyBacktab {
if t.done != nil {
if t.finished != nil {
if !t.scrollable {
switch key {
case tcell.KeyRune:
switch event.Rune() {
case 'g': // Home.
t.trackEnd = false
t.lineOffset = 0
t.columnOffset = 0
case 'G': // End.
t.trackEnd = true
t.columnOffset = 0
case 'j': // Down.
case 'k': // Up.
t.trackEnd = false
case 'h': // Left.
case 'l': // Right.
case tcell.KeyHome:
t.trackEnd = false
t.lineOffset = 0
t.columnOffset = 0
case tcell.KeyEnd:
t.trackEnd = true
t.columnOffset = 0
case tcell.KeyUp:
t.trackEnd = false
case tcell.KeyDown:
case tcell.KeyLeft:
case tcell.KeyRight:
case tcell.KeyPgDn, tcell.KeyCtrlF:
t.lineOffset += t.pageSize
case tcell.KeyPgUp, tcell.KeyCtrlB:
t.trackEnd = false
t.lineOffset -= t.pageSize
// MouseHandler returns the mouse handler for this primitive.
func (t *TextView) MouseHandler() func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) {
return t.WrapMouseHandler(func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive) {
x, y := event.Position()
if !t.InRect(x, y) {
return false, nil
rectX, rectY, width, height := t.GetInnerRect()
switch action {
case MouseLeftDown:
consumed = true
case MouseLeftClick:
if t.regionTags {
// Find a region to highlight.
x -= rectX
y -= rectY
var highlightedID string
if y+t.lineOffset < len(t.lineIndex) {
line := t.lineIndex[y+t.lineOffset]
for regionID, fromTo := range line.regions {
if x >= fromTo[0] && x < fromTo[1] {
highlightedID = regionID
if highlightedID != "" {
} else if !t.toggleHighlights {
consumed = true
case MouseScrollUp:
if !t.scrollable {
t.trackEnd = false
consumed = true
case MouseScrollDown:
if !t.scrollable {
if len(t.lineIndex)-t.lineOffset < height {
// If we scroll to the end, turn on tracking.
t.parseAhead(width, func(lineNumber int, line *textViewLine) bool {
return len(t.lineIndex)-t.lineOffset < height
if len(t.lineIndex)-t.lineOffset < height {
t.trackEnd = true
consumed = true