Updated SRS (markdown)
1 changed files with 2 additions and 18 deletions
@ -48,27 +48,11 @@ is the "Course" Manager"
3. **User Stories**
| Senario Name | UC1. Lecturer Dashboard |
| Main PLayer |Lecturer|
| Goal |See all snapshops of projects in the class and certain status's.|
| Scope and Level |Lecturer client,projects data.|
| Goal |See all snapshops of projects in the class and certain status's.|
| Interested and interests |Lecturer - to get an overview of the class.|
| Description |When a lecture enters the dashboard, he has a view of individual project's and milestones.And a course Time Line. |
| Trigger |Lecturer logged in to the system.|
| Prerequisite |The Lecturer will be successfully logged in to the system.|
| Conditions of Successful Finish |Full access to updated information and data |
| Conditions of Failure Finish |Information isn't presented correctly.|
| Significant Scenario Success |1.Lecturer logs with his Github username and password.|
||2.Information fetched from Github login succefully.|
||3.The data is presented correctly on the dashboard.|
| Extensions (Errors) |Failure to gain access by incorrect inputs.|
| Alternative Scenarios ||
| US # | Story | Description |
| US1| hey | there|
| US1| Easy way to communicate | Both Students and lecturers want to have an easier platform in which they can communicate. Either by private messages or by group/public messages|
Reference in a new issue