Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 134 additions and 4 deletions
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ def createMessage(token):
if not
return bad_request("no data")
if not is_lecturer(token): #todo: change to lecturer id
return forbidden("Invalid token or not a lecturer!")
# if not is_lecturer(token): #todo: change to lecturer id
# return forbidden("Invalid token or not a lecturer!")
user = get_user_by_token(token)
@ -700,13 +700,37 @@ def getAllUserTasks(token):
#add a key 'forSortDate' for sorting dates
taskTime = datetime.datetime(taskDic['dueDate']['year'], taskDic['dueDate']['month'], taskDic['dueDate']['day'])
taskDic['forSortDate'] = taskTime
grade = TaskGrade.all().filter("taskId = ", t.key().id()).filter("userId = ", user.key().id())
if t.isPersonal:
ownerId = user.key().id()
project = Project.all().filter("courseId = ", course.key().id())
for p in
if str(p.key().id()) in user.projects_id_list:
ownerId = p.key().id()
grade = TaskGrade.all().filter("taskId = ", t.key().id()).filter("userId = ", ownerId)
for g in
taskDic['grade'] = g.grade
if grade.count() == 0:
taskDic['grade'] = 0
taskDic['grade'] = {'taskId': t.key().id(), 'userId': ownerId, 'grade': None}
taskDic['submitted'] = {}
if t.isPersonal:
total = len(course.membersId)
total = Project.all().filter("courseId = ", course.key().id()).count()
taskDic['submitted']['total'] = total
basicTC = TaskComponent.all().filter("taskId = ", t.key().id()).filter("userId = ", -1).count()
allTC = TaskComponent.all().filter("taskId = ", t.key().id()).count()
done = (basicTC/allTC) - 1
taskDic['submitted']['done'] = done
taskArr = sorted(taskArr, key=itemgetter('forSortDate'), reverse=False)
for i in taskArr:
del i['forSortDate']
@ -732,6 +756,112 @@ def getAllUserTasks(token):
# @task_routes.route('/api/tasks/getAllUngradedTasks/<string:token>/<string:taskId>/<string:ownerId>', methods=["GET"])
# @auto.doc()
# def getAllUngradedTasks(token, taskId, ownerId):
# """
# <span class="card-title">>This Call will return an array of all components for a given task</span>
# <br>
# <b>Route Parameters</b><br>
# - SeToken: token<br>
# - taskId: 1234567890
# - ownerId: 123456789
# <br>
# <br>
# <b>Payload</b><br>
# - NONE
# <br>
# <br>
# <b>Response</b>
# <br>
# 200 - JSON Example:<br>
# <code>
# [
# {<br>
# 'taskId' : 7589454894,
# 'userId' : -1,
# 'type' : 'kindOfType',
# 'label' : 'kindOfLabel',
# 'isMandatory' : true,
# 'order' : 2
# }<br>
# {<br>
# 'taskId' : 7589454894,
# 'userId' : yossi,
# 'type' : 'otherKindOfType',
# 'label' : 'otherKindOfLabel',
# 'isMandatory' : false,
# 'order' : 4
# }<br>
# ]
# </code>
# <br>
# """
# user = get_user_by_token(token)
# if user is None:
# return bad_request("Bad User Token")
# arr = []
# courses = Course.all().filter("master_id = ", user.key().id())
# if courses.count() == 0:
# return no_content("user is not lecturer of any course")
# for course in
# tasks = Task.all().filter("courseId = ", course.key().id())
# for task in
# task = Task.get_by_id(int(taskId))
# if task is None:
# return bad_request("Bad Task id")
# if task.isPersonal:
# if User.get_by_id(int(ownerId)) is None:
# return bad_request("no such user")
# else:
# if Project.get_by_id(int(ownerId)) is None:
# return bad_request("no such project")
# task = json.loads(task.to_JSON())
# task['components'] = []
# task['grade'] = {}
# taskCompQuery = TaskComponent.all()
# taskCompQuery.filter("taskId = ", int(taskId))
# taskCompQuery.filter("userId = ", int(ownerId))
# # if task.isPersonal:
# # taskCompQuery.filter("userId = ", user.key().id())
# # else:
# # taskCompQuery.filter("userId = ", user.key().id())#TODO: fix to project
# #check if never created a personalized task and if so, create it
# if taskCompQuery.count() == 0:
# taskCompQuery = TaskComponent.all().filter("taskId =", int(taskId)).filter("userId =", -1)
# print "query count is: ", taskCompQuery.count()
# for tc in
# task['components'].append(dict(json.loads(tc.to_JSON())))
# # for tc in
# # tcNew = TaskComponent(taskId=tc.taskId, userId=user.key().id(), type=tc.type, label=tc.label, isMandatory=tc.isMandatory, order=tc.order)
# # db.put(tcNew)
# # grade = TaskGrade(grade=0, taskId=task.key().id(), userId=user.key().id())
# # db.put(grade)
# grade = TaskGrade.all().filter("taskId = ", int(taskId)).filter("userId = ", int(ownerId))
# gradeFound = False
# for g in
# task['grade'] = json.loads(g.to_JSON())
# gradeFound = True
# if not gradeFound:
# task['grade'] = {'taskId': taskId, 'userId': ownerId, 'grade': None}
# return Response(response=json.dumps(task),
# status=200,
# mimetype="application/json")
@task_routes.route('/api/tasks/getTaskById/<string:token>/<string:taskId>/<string:ownerId>', methods=["GET"])
Reference in a new issue