Merge branch 'master' into UI
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 210 additions and 66 deletions
@ -70,11 +70,13 @@ def send_create_campus_request(email, name, campus_name):
message.html = """
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<img src=''>
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div style='width:70%'>
@ -108,11 +110,13 @@ def notify_se_hub_campus_request(campus, campus_name):
""" + str(campus.to_JSON())
message.html = """
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<img src=''>
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div style='width:70%'>
@ -151,18 +155,19 @@ def send_task_reminder( email, name, task_name, course_name):
message.html = """
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<img src=''>
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div style='width:70%'>
<h3>Dear """+name+""":</h3>
<img src=''>
<img src='' style='height:100px'>
@ -230,6 +230,95 @@ def submitTask(token, taskId, ownerId):
return Response(response=task.to_JSON(),
@task_routes.route('/api/tasks/submitGrade/<string:token>/<string:taskId>/<string:ownerId>/<string:grade>', methods=['POST'])
def submitGrade(token, taskId, ownerId, grade):
<span class="card-title">This call will create a new Task in the DB</span>
<b>Route Parameters</b><br>
- seToken: 'seToken'
- JSON Object, Example: <br>
"description":"pls fddfsdfdsk",<br>
"type" : "should be type1",<br>
"label" : "should be label1",<br>
"isMandatory" : true,<br>
"order" : 1<br>
"type" : "should be type2",<br>
"label" : "should be label2",<br>
"isMandatory" : true,<br>
"order" : 2<br>
"type" : "should be type3",<br>
"label" : "should be label3",<br>
"isMandatory" : false,<br>
"order" : 3<br>
201 - Created
400 - Bad Request
403 - Invalid token or not a lecturer
user = get_user_by_token(token)
if user is None:
bad_request("bad user Token")
task = Task.get_by_id(int(taskId))
if task is None:
bad_request("bad Task id")
if task.isPersonal:
if User.get_by_id(int(ownerId)) is None:
return bad_request("no such user")
if Project.get_by_id(int(ownerId)) is None:
return bad_request("no such project")
tg = TaskGrade.all().filter("taskId = ", int(taskId)).filter("userId = ", int(ownerId))
if tg.count() == 0:
grade = TaskGrade(taskId=int(taskId), userId=int(ownerId), grade=int(grade))
for g in
return Response(response=grade.to_JSON(),
except Exception as e:
print e.message
return bad_request("wrong format")
@ -704,9 +793,9 @@ def getTaskById(token, taskId, ownerId):
task['grade'] = {}
taskCompQuery = TaskComponent.all()
taskCompQuery.filter("taskId = ", taskId)
taskCompQuery.filter("taskId = ", int(taskId))
taskCompQuery.filter("userId = ", ownerId)
taskCompQuery.filter("userId = ", int(ownerId))
# if task.isPersonal:
# taskCompQuery.filter("userId = ", user.key().id())
# else:
@ -714,7 +803,6 @@ def getTaskById(token, taskId, ownerId):
#check if never created a personalized task and if so, create it
if taskCompQuery.count() == 0:
print "here"
taskCompQuery = TaskComponent.all().filter("taskId =", int(taskId)).filter("userId =", -1)
print "query count is: ", taskCompQuery.count()
for tc in
@ -878,6 +966,7 @@ def sendTaskReminder():
course = Course.get_by_id(int(t.courseId))
if t.isPersonal:
for uId in course.membersId:
if int(uId) != course.master_id:
tc = TaskComponent.all().filter("taskId = ", t.key().id()).filter("userId = ", int(uId))
if tc.count() == 0:
user = User.get_by_id(int(uId))
@ -8,11 +8,27 @@ angular.module('SeHub')
var submitterId = $routeParams.submitterId;
var token = $cookies['com.sehub.www'];
var groupId = $routeParams.gId;
var user = $scope.$parent.user;
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.isMaster = false;
apiService.getTaskById(token, taskId, groupId).success(function(data) {
data.grade.grade = 0;
$scope.task = data;
apiService.getCourseById(token, data.courseId).success(function(data) {
$scope.isMaster = ( === data.master_id);
if (!data.isPersonal) {
apiService.getProjectsById(token, groupId).sucsess(function(data) {
$ = data;
} else {
apiService.getUserById(token, groupId).success(function(data) {
$ = data;
$scope.loading = false;
}).error(function(err) {
@ -23,7 +39,6 @@ angular.module('SeHub')
} else { //In This Case We Need An Empty Task To Be Able To Fill It
$scope.readOnly = false;
apiService.getTaskById(token, taskId, groupId);
$scope.dateInit = function(date) {
@ -80,17 +95,16 @@ angular.module('SeHub')
.content('Your Task Was Successfully Submitted!')
.ok('GoTo My Submitted Task')
).then(function() {
$location.path('/tasks/overview/' + taskId + '/' + groupId + '/' + groupId);
} else {
.title('Hey There...')
@ -99,42 +113,33 @@ angular.module('SeHub')
.ok('Got it!')
= Mock Data =
// $scope.task = {
// "title": "task1",
// "courseId": 1234567890,
// "description": "one line\nsecondline\nthirdline",
// "dueDate": {
// "year": 2010,
// "month": 2,
// "day": 4
// },
// "isPersonal": true,
// "components": [{
// "type": "radiobuttons",
// "label": "pick One|this|orthis|MaybeThis",
// "isMandatory": true,
// "order": 1
// }, {
// "type": "checkbox",
// "label": "tick Me",
// "isMandatory": true,
// "order": 2
// }, {
// "type": "textarea",
// "label": "fill shit",
// "isMandatory": false,
// "order": 3
// }]
// };
$scope.submitGrade = function(event){
apiService.submitGrade(token, taskId, groupId, $scope.task.garde.grade).success(function(data){
.title('Thanks For Grading')
.content('The Grade was successfully posted. you can change the grade later if you want')
.ariaLabel('Not All Mandatory Are Filled')
.ok('Go Back To Tasks')
.title('Something Happened')
.content('something went wrong... Try Again Later')
.ariaLabel('Not All Mandatory Are Filled')
.ok('No Problem!')
@ -271,6 +271,14 @@ service.factory('apiService', ['$http', function($http) {
url: url
return $http(req);
submitGrade: function(token, taskId, ownerId, grade){
var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/tasks/submitGrade/" + token + '/' + taskId + '/' + ownerId + '/' + grade;
req = {
method: 'POST',
url: url
return $http(req);
@ -1,8 +1,45 @@
<div ng-if='loading' class='center_all'>
<md-progress-circular md-mode="indeterminate"></md-progress-circular>
<div ng-if="readOnly && !loading">
<md-card style='position:fixed;top:11%;right:15px;width:20%' layout-padding>
<div layout="row">
<div flex="30"> <!-- Avatar -->
<img ng-src="{{group.avatar_url}}" alt="" style="max-width:auto;padding:5px" ng-if='task.isPersonal'>
<img ng-src="{{group.logo_url}}" alt="" style="max-width:auto;padding:5px" ng-if='!task.isPersonal'>
<div class="user-data" layout="column" flex>
<div ng-if='task.isPersonal'>
Student Name: {{}}
<div ng-if='!task.isPersonal'>
Project Name: {{group.projectName}}
Grade : {{task.garde.grade}}
<md-slider flex class="md-primary" md-discrete ng-model="task.garde.grade" step="1" min="1" max="100" aria-label="rating" ng-disabled="!isMaster">
<div layout="row" ng-if='isMaster'>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<md-button ng-click='submitGrade($event)'>Submit</md-button>
<div layout='row' ng-if='!loading'>
<div flex='20'></div>
<div flex='10'></div>
<div layout="coulumn" flex="60">
<md-card layout-padding style="width:100%">
<h1><i class="fa fa-clipboard"></i> {{task.title}}</h1>
Reference in a new issue