Sagi Dayan 08cf3e1462 Player movement tweaks and a Goblin
- Player now has an attack move
 - Player wall jump more refined
 - New Enemy superclass for patrol type enemies
 - Goblin enemy.
 - Player abilty toggles. Can turn on/off wall_jump/attack/dash [WIP]
2020-09-26 23:18:34 -04:00

115 lines
3.5 KiB

extends KinematicBody2D
class_name Enemy
signal died
signal got_damage
export var num_of_hits := 3
export var walking_speed := 20.0
export var attack_cool_down := .1
export var patroler = true
export var idle_interval := .5
export var idle_time := .2
export var dont_fall_patrol = true
export var gravity = 500.0
var _velocity := Vector2.ZERO
var _is_idle := false
var _is_alive := true
var _triggerd := false
var _damage_enabled := true
var _player_ref:Player = null;
var _genesis_position:Vector2;
func _get_configuration_warning() -> String:
var warnings = PoolStringArray()
var children = get_children()
var warning_sections := {
"animation_player": true,
"collision_shape": true,
"sprite": true,
"raycast_left": dont_fall_patrol,
"raycast_right": dont_fall_patrol,
"area_2d": true
for child in children:
if == 'CollisionShape2D': warning_sections.collision_shape = false;
elif == 'Sprite': warning_sections.sprite = false;
elif == 'Area2D': warning_sections.area_2d = false;
elif == 'RayCastLeft': warning_sections.raycast_left = false;
elif == 'RayCastRight': warning_sections.raycast_right = false;
elif == 'AnimationPlayer':
warning_sections.animation_player = not (
$AnimationPlayer.has_animation("walk") and
$AnimationPlayer.has_animation("die") and
$AnimationPlayer.has_animation("idle") and
if warning_sections.collision_shape:
warnings.append(name + " Needs to have a CollisionShape2D Child")
if warning_sections.area_2d:
warnings.append(name + " Needs to have an Area2D Child")
if warning_sections.raycast_left:
warnings.append(name + " With dont-fall mode Needs to have a RayCastLeft Child")
if warning_sections.raycast_right:
warnings.append(name + " With dont-fall mode Needs to have a RayCastRight Child")
if warning_sections.sprite:
warnings.append(name + " Needs to have aa Sprite Child")
if warning_sections.animation_player:
warnings.append(name + " Needs to have an AnimationPlayer Child witt 'walk', 'idle', 'die', 'hit' animations")
return warnings.join('\n')
func _ready() -> void:
_genesis_position = position
func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
if Engine.editor_hint: return
if not _is_alive: return
if not _damage_enabled:
_velocity.y += gravity * delta
_velocity = move_and_slide(_velocity, Vector2.UP)
if not _is_idle and not _triggerd:
if patroler:
if is_on_wall():
$Sprite.scale = Vector2($Sprite.scale.x * -1, 1)
elif dont_fall_patrol and is_on_floor():
var pit_direction = _get_pit_direction()
if not pit_direction == 0:
$Sprite.scale = Vector2(pit_direction * -1, 1)
_velocity.y += gravity * delta
_velocity.x = $Sprite.scale.x * walking_speed
_velocity = move_and_slide(_velocity, Vector2.UP)
func take_damage(from_direction:int, damage: int = 1)->void:
num_of_hits -= 1
if num_of_hits <= 0:
_is_alive = false
_damage_enabled = false
_damage_enabled = false
$Sprite.scale = Vector2(from_direction * -1, 1)
_velocity.x = 100 * from_direction
_velocity.y = -50
func on_animation_hit_ended():
_damage_enabled = true
func _get_pit_direction()->int:
if not $RayCastLeft.is_colliding():
return -1
elif not $RayCastRight.is_colliding():
return 1
return 0
func _alerted()->bool:
return false