Sagi Dayan d80c2661a1 Added Settings and UI tweaks
Now you can lock the grade page with your password.
still needs some work for unlocking  - there should be a
password prompt
2015-01-13 02:14:24 +02:00

100 lines
3.6 KiB

var starter = angular.module('starter.services', []);
starter.factory('ApiService', ['$http', '$ionicPopup', '$ionicModal', function ($http, $ionicPopup, $ionicModal) {
return {
login: function(username, password){
console.log('[JCE] [INFO]: atempting to login.');
//JCE Login shit:
var request = "https://mipo.jce.ac.il/index.php/site/login?_dc=1419773997764&formValues=%7B%22form_fields%22%3A%7B%22name%22%3A%22"+username+"%22%2C%22pwd%22%3A%22"+password+"%22%7D%7D&callback=JSON_CALLBACK";
return $http.get(request).then(function(resp) {
if(resp.data.guest == false){
window.localStorage['userInfo'] = JSON.stringify(resp.data);
console.log("[JCE] [INFO]: Success.");
return true;
var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
title: 'שם משתמש או סיסמא שגויים',
template: 'וודא שוב כי שם המשתמש והסיסמא הינם נכונים.'
console.log("[JCE] [INFO]: Wrong user/pass.");
return false;
}, function(err) {
var alertPopup = $ionicPopup.alert({
title: 'שגיאת רשת',
template: 'בדוק את החיבור לנתונים'
console.error('[JCE] [FATAL]: Network Error!', err);
return false;
return false;
update: function(){
var username = window.localStorage['username'];
var password = window.localStorage['password'];
var notes = window.localStorage['notes'] || null;
var grades = window.localStorage['grades'] || null;
var request = "https://mipo.jce.ac.il/index.php/site/login?_dc=1419773997764&formValues=%7B%22form_fields%22%3A%7B%22name%22%3A%22"+username+"%22%2C%22pwd%22%3A%22"+password+"%22%7D%7D";
return $http.get(request).then(function(resp) {
if(resp.data.guest == false){
//Logged in
//Get Notes:
$http.get("https://mipo.jce.ac.il/index.php/site/studentMessages").then(function(resp) {
console.log('Success', resp);
console.log("[JCE] [INFO] : in update - Got JCE News!");
if(notes === null){
window.localStorage['newNotes'] = "true";
window.localStorage['notes'] = JSON.stringify(resp.data);
}else if(notes === JSON.stringify(resp.data)){
console.log("[JCE] [INFO] : in update - no new Notes");
window.localStorage['newNotes'] = "true";
window.localStorage['notes'] = JSON.stringify(resp.data);
}, function(err) {
console.error('[JCE] [INFO] : in update - can\'t get Notes', err);
//Get Grades
$http.get("https://mipo.jce.ac.il/index.php/site/studentGrades").then(function(resp) {
console.log('Success', resp);
console.log("[JCE] [INFO] : in update - Got Grades!");
if(grades === null){
window.localStorage['newGrades'] = "true";
window.localStorage['grades'] = JSON.stringify(resp.data);
}else if(grades === JSON.stringify(resp.data)){
console.log("[JCE] [INFO] : in update - no new Grades");
window.localStorage['newGrades'] = "true";
window.localStorage['grades'] = JSON.stringify(resp.data);
}, function(err) {
console.error('[JCE] [INFO] : in update - can\'t get Notes', err);
window.localStorage['loggedIn'] = false;
return false;
}, function(err) {
window.localStorage['loggedIn'] = false;
return false;
return false;