import Telme from './telme'; import { ArgParser, ERunMode, ISimpleMessageOptions, ITaskOptions, IInitProfileOptions } from './utils'; import Config, { IProfileConfig } from './config/config'; import Init from './flows/init' const { version } = require('../package.json'); async function main() { const parsed = ArgParser.parse(process.argv); let config: IProfileConfig; let options: any; switch (parsed.mode) { case ERunMode.VERSION: console.log(`[${Config.APP_NAME}] version ${version}`); break; case ERunMode.HELP: printHelp(); break; case ERunMode.INIT: await Init.init(parsed.mode_data); break; case ERunMode.SIMPLE_MESSAGE: config = await Config.getConfig(parsed.mode_data.profileName); options = parsed.mode_data as ISimpleMessageOptions; await Telme.SendMessage(config, options); console.log(`[${Config.APP_NAME}]: Told Ya!`); break; case ERunMode.TASK_MESSAGE: config = await Config.getConfig(parsed.mode_data.profileName); options = parsed.mode_data as ITaskOptions; await Telme.RunTask(config, options); console.log(`[${Config.APP_NAME}]: Told Ya!`); break; } return true; } function printHelp() { const cliFlags = ArgParser.CLI_OPTIONS; const message = `${Config.APP_NAME} v${version} - A CLI Telegram message tool [Usage]: $ ${Config.APP_NAME} Options: \t ${cliFlags.versionFlags.join(', ')} \t\t Print ${Config.APP_NAME} version. \t ${cliFlags.helpFlags.join(', ')} \t\t This help page. \t ${cliFlags.profileFlags.join(', ')} \t\t Specify a profile to use. This is optional. defaults to 'default' profile. \t ${cliFlags.initFlags.join(', ')} \t\t Will generate a config file for a given profile (defaults to 'default' profile). \t ${cliFlags.messageFlags.join(', ')} \t\t Send a simple message. Examples: init: \t\t '${Config.APP_NAME} --init' - init a default profile \t\t '${Config.APP_NAME} -i -p ' - init a 'named' profile tasks: \t\t '${Config.APP_NAME} docker-compose pull' - Send a message to default profile once the command 'docker-compose pull' is done \t\t '${Config.APP_NAME} -p docker-compose pull' - Send a message to profile once the command 'docker-compose pull' is done messages: \t\t '${Config.APP_NAME} -m "text to send"' - Send a message to default profile \t\t '${Config.APP_NAME} -p -m "text to send"' - Send message to profile `; console.log(message); } main().then(_ => { process.exit(0); }).catch(error => { const exitCode = error.exitCode || 1; console.error(`[${Config.APP_NAME}] ERROR: ${error.message}`); console.log(`[${Config.APP_NAME}] For help run '$ ${Config.APP_NAME} -h'`); process.exit(exitCode); });