'use strict'; import * as TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api'; import { IInitProfileOptions } from '../utils'; import Telme from '../telme'; import Config, { IConfig } from '../config/config'; export default class Init { static async init(options: IInitProfileOptions = null) { const profileName = options.profileName || 'default'; let currentConfig: IConfig; try { currentConfig = await Config.getFullConfig(); if (currentConfig.profiles[profileName]) { // This will override existing profile const response = await prompt(`Do you wish to override you current '${profileName}' profile [y/n]? `); if (response[0].toLowerCase() !== 'y') { console.log('Aborting.'); process.exit(1); } } else { currentConfig.profiles[profileName] = Config.generateProfileTemplate(); } } catch (e) { currentConfig = { version: Config.CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION, profiles: { [profileName]: Config.generateProfileTemplate() } } } console.log(`Initializing '${profileName}' profile...`); console.log( 'Hi, In order for telme to work you will need to create a bot. If you don\'t know how, Please take a look at README.md'); const token = await prompt('Please provide your bot token: '); const code = generateCode(); try { const bot = new TelegramBot(token, { polling: true }); const chatId = await listenToMessage(bot, code); currentConfig.profiles[profileName].bot_token = token; currentConfig.profiles[profileName].chat_id = chatId; console.log('Cool, Got the chat. Saving config...'); await Config.writeConfigToFile(currentConfig); const profileFlag = profileName === 'default' ? '' : `-p ${profileName}`; await Telme.SendMessage(currentConfig.profiles[profileName], { message: `*Thanks!*\nYou are all set.\ntelme usage:\n\`\`\`\n $ ${Config.APP_NAME} ${profileFlag} --m "message to send" $ ${Config.APP_NAME} ${profileFlag} \n\`\`\`\nFor more info, visit: [telme repo](https://gitlab.com/sagidayan/telme)\n\n_Enjoy!_` }) return true; } catch (e) { throw e; } } } function listenToMessage(bot, code): Promise { console.log(`Thanks! Please send '/code ${code}' to your bot from telegram. You can send a direct message to the bot OR send this message to a group that this bot is a member of. Keep in mind that '${Config.APP_NAME}' will send messages to the chat of your choosing.`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const now = Date.now(); bot.on('message', msg => { const msgDate = msg.date * 1000; if (msgDate < now) return; const userId = msg.chat.id; if (msg.text.indexOf('/code') === 0) { const receivedCode = msg.text.split('/code')[1].trim(); if (code === receivedCode) resolve(userId); else reject(new Error('Code does not match!')); } }); bot.on('polling_error', () => { console.log('polling error'); reject(new Error('Invalid token')); }) }); } function generateCode(codeLength = 6) { const allowedChars = 'aAbBcCdDEeFf0123456789'; let code = ''; for (let i = 0; i < codeLength; i++) { code += allowedChars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * allowedChars.length)); } return code; } function prompt(question): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { var stdin = process.stdin, stdout = process.stdout; stdin.resume(); stdout.write(question); stdin.once('data', function (data) { resolve(data.toString().trim()); }); }); }