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* Configuration
module.exports = {
botId: '443965284:AAEKdvDxwxwbn4eOYJ6wt6lgR2J-hDAwSeA', // Bot token/Id - Get if from botFather
slideShowFolderPath: '/media/64C6A9C4724C63E5/slideshow', // Where to save files
DBLocation: '.', // Location of DB file. You need to have permissions to read/write in that location
permissions: {
allowAll: false, // allow any telegram user to add photos
allowAddingUsers: true, // accept contacts as authorized users?
allowNonAdminToAddUsers: false // allow non admin users to add contacts to authorized users
admin: {
notifyActivity: true,
sendPhotoOnSave: true, // send admin the photo that somone else have saved
id: 73947511
messages: {
unauthorizedUser: 'Unauthorized user: {username}\nMessage:\n{messageObj}', // Plaseholers: {username}, {messageObj}
fileSuccessfullySaved: 'A photo was added.\n', // Plaseholers: {fileLocation}
failedToSaveFile: 'Psst...\nYou might want to know, that i have failed you. a fail was not saved.\nError:\n{error}', // Placeholders: {error}
userAdded: 'The user {username} added {username_add_rem} to the system', // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}
userRemoved: 'The user {username} removed {username_add_rem} from the system' // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}
sendieResponse: {
unauthorizedUser: 'Hi {username}, \n Who the fuck are you?!\n I have notified my creator and he will hunt you down. I would suggest that you disconnect from the Internet', // Plaseholers: {username}, {messageObj}
fileSuccessfullySaved: 'Added to your slideshow. Saved at: {fileLocation}', // Plaseholers: {fileLocation}
failedToSaveFile: 'Woops,\nsome thing happend... Can\'t save your photo.\nTry Again later', // Placeholders: {error}
unableToDoThat: 'Hi {username},\nIm unable to understand you. I\'m able only to accept photos and contacts', // Placeholders: {username}
noPermissions: 'You have no permissions to do that...',
userAdded: 'Okay, {username} was added as a trusted user.', // Placeholders: {username}
userRemoved: 'Sure, I\'ll stop supporting {username}.' // Plaseholers: {username}
userAdded: { // Not supported yet
added: 'Hi {username_add_rem},\n{username} added you as a trusted user. this means that you can send me photos to add to the slide show! Try it now' // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}
userRemoved:{ // Not supported yet
removed: 'Hi {username_add_rem},\n{username} removed you from my system... It\'s not you, it\'s me :(' // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}