Moved all to config + added a file to save users

This commit is contained in:
Sagi Dayan 2017-10-21 17:06:42 +03:00
parent 5ea50f0dd2
commit eddde3eaa6
4 changed files with 190 additions and 51 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Created by,linux
### Linux ###

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@ -1 +1,11 @@
# Slide Show Telegram Bot Ya'll
# Telegram Bot that saves photos
$ node index.js
to debug a single message and exit (For debug):
$ node index.js --printMessage

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@ -2,17 +2,41 @@
* Configuration
module.exports = {
botId: "443965284:AAEKdvDxwxwbn4eOYJ6wt6lgR2J-hDAwSeA",
slideShowFolderPath: '/media/64C6A9C4724C63E5/slideshow/', //Ends with '/'
botId: '443965284:AAEKdvDxwxwbn4eOYJ6wt6lgR2J-hDAwSeA', // Bot token/Id - Get if from botFather
slideShowFolderPath: '/media/64C6A9C4724C63E5/slideshow', // Where to save files
DBLocation: '.', // Location of DB file. You need to have permissions to read/write in that location
permissions: {
allowAll: false, // allow any telegram user to add photos
usernames: [], // strings
userIds: [247153816], //numbers
allowAddingUsers: true, // accept contacts as authorized users?
allowNonAdminToAddUsers: false // allow non admin users to add contacts to authorized users
admin: {
username: 'SagiDayan',
notifyActivity: true,
sendPhotoOnSave: true, // send admin the photo that somone else have saved
id: 73947511
messages: {
unauthorizedUser: 'Unauthorized user: {username}\nMessage:\n{messageObj}', // Plaseholers: {username}, {messageObj}
fileSuccessfullySaved: 'A photo was added.\n', // Plaseholers: {fileLocation}
failedToSaveFile: 'Psst...\nYou might want to know, that i have failed you. a fail was not saved.\nError:\n{error}', // Placeholders: {error}
userAdded: 'The user {username} added {username_add_rem} to the system', // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}
userRemoved: 'The user {username} removed {username_add_rem} from the system' // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}
sendieResponse: {
unauthorizedUser: 'Hi {username}, \n Who the fuck are you?!\n I have notified my creator and he will hunt you down. I would suggest that you disconnect from the Internet', // Plaseholers: {username}, {messageObj}
fileSuccessfullySaved: 'Added to your slideshow. Saved at: {fileLocation}', // Plaseholers: {fileLocation}
failedToSaveFile: 'Woops,\nsome thing happend... Can\'t save your photo.\nTry Again later', // Placeholders: {error}
unableToDoThat: 'Hi {username},\nIm unable to understand you. I\'m able only to accept photos and contacts', // Placeholders: {username}
noPermissions: 'You have no permissions to do that...',
userAdded: 'Okay, {username} was added as a trusted user.', // Placeholders: {username}
userRemoved: 'Sure, I\'ll stop supporting {username}.' // Plaseholers: {username}
userAdded: {
added: 'Hi {username_add_rem},\n{username} added you as a trusted user. this means that you can send me photos to add to the slide show! Try it now' // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}
removed: 'Hi {username_add_rem},\n{username} removed you from my system... It\'s not you, it\'s me :(' // Plaseholers: {username}, {username_add_rem}

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@ -1,83 +1,188 @@
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');
const config = require('./config');
// Be sure to replace YOUR_BOT_TOKEN with your actual bot token on this line.
let telegram = new TelegramBot(config.botId, {
polling: true
let admin_chatId =;
const SLIDESHOW_LOCATION = config.slideShowFolderPath; // Ends with '/'
telegram.on('message', (msg) => {
const chatId =;
if (userAllowd(msg)) {
} else {
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, 'Sorry ' + msg.from.username + ' My master says I can\'t talk to strangers...');
console.log('Unauthorized user: ', msg.from.username, 'Message:');
console.log(JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2));
notifyAdmin('Unauthorized user: ' + msg.from.username + ' Message:\n' + JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2));
let admin_chatId = null;
let authorizedUsers;
const SLIDESHOW_LOCATION = config.slideShowFolderPath;
// Location Of HardDrive - /media/64C6A9C4724C63E5/slideshow
// Functions
function storeFile(fileId, callback) {
telegram.downloadFile(fileId, SLIDESHOW_LOCATION)
.then((filePath) => {
callback(null, "YAYYY!!! file saved at: " + filePath);
let message = config.messages.sendieResponse.fileSuccessfullySaved;
message = message.replace('{fileLocation}', filePath);
callback(null, filePath);
.catch((err) => {
let storeFileCallback = (err, message, chatId, photo_id) => {
let storeFileCallback = (err, filePath, chatId, photoId) => {
let response;
if (err) {
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, 'Failed to store your photo! - ' + err);
if (admin_chatId !== chatId) notifyAdmin('Hi Master!!,\nA Failed attemt to save a file to slideshow', photo_id);
response = config.messages.sendieResponse.failedToSaveFile;
response = response.replace('{error}', err);
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, response);
response = config.messages.sendieResponse.failedToSaveFile;
response = response.replace('{error}', err);
if (admin_chatId !== chatId) notifyAdmin(response, photoId);
} else {
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, message);
if (admin_chatId !== chatId) notifyAdmin('Hi Master!!,\nA photo was saved to your slideshow', photo_id);
response = config.messages.sendieResponse.fileSuccessfullySaved;
response = message.replace('{fileLocation}', filePath);
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, response);
response = config.messages.adminNotifications.fileSuccessfullySaved;
response = message.replace('{fileLocation}', filePath);
if (admin_chatId !== chatId) notifyAdmin(response, photoId);
let handleMessage = (msg) => {
const chatId =;
if ( || (msg.document && msg.document.mime_type.indexOf('image/') === 0)) {
if ( || (msg.document && msg.document.mime_type.indexOf('image/') === 0)) { // Handle Images
if ( {
storeFile([ - 1].file_id, (err, message) => {
storeFileCallback(err, message, chatId,[ - 1].file_id);
storeFile([ - 1].file_id, (err, filePath) => {
storeFileCallback(err, filePath, chatId,[ - 1].file_id);
} else { // document - uncompressed photo
storeFile(msg.document.file_id, (err, message) => {
storeFileCallback(err, message, chatId, msg.document.file_id);
storeFile(msg.document.file_id, (err, filePath) => {
storeFileCallback(err, filePath, chatId, msg.document.file_id);
} else if( {
notifyAdmin('User with ID of: ' + + ' Should be added/removed!');
else {
} else if ( { // Handle Contact
addRemoveUser(, msg.from);
} else {
// send a message to the chat acknowledging receipt of their message
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, 'Hey dude... I can only help you save photos to your home slideshow.... other functions later :)');
let message = config.messages.sendieResponse.unableToDoThat;
message = message.replace('{username}', msg.from.username);
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, message);
let userAllowd = (msg)=>{
if(msg.from.username === config.admin.username) {
let userAllowd = (msg) => {
if ( === {
admin_chatId =;
return true;
if(config.permissions.allowAll) return true;
if(config.permissions.usernames.indexOf(msg.from.username) >= 0) return true;
if(config.permissions.userIds.indexOf( >= 0) return true;
if (config.permissions.allowAll) return true;
if (authorizedUsers.indexOf( >= 0) return true;
return false;
let notifyAdmin = (msg, photo_id) => {
if (admin_chatId != null && config.admin.notifyActivity){
if (admin_chatId != null && config.admin.notifyActivity) {
telegram.sendMessage(admin_chatId, msg);
if(photo_id) telegram.sendPhoto(admin_chatId, photo_id);
if (photo_id && config.admin.sendPhotoOnSave) telegram.sendPhoto(admin_chatId, photo_id);
let addRemoveUser = (contact, from) => {
// Ignore...
console.warn('Attempt to add/remove a user. this functionality is disabled.');
if( != && !config.permissions.allowNonAdminToAddUsers){
telegram.sendMessage(, config.messages.sendieResponse.noPermissions);
console.warn('Attempt to add/remove a user from an unpermited user. id: ',;
let toAdd = true;
if(authorizedUsers.indexOf(contact.user_id) < 0){
// Add user
// remove user
toAdd = false;
authorizedUsers.splice(authorizedUsers.indexOf(contact.user_id), 1);
let message;
if(toAdd) message = config.messages.sendieResponse.userAdded;
else message = config.messages.sendieResponse.userRemoved;
message = message.replace('{username}', contact.first_name);
telegram.sendMessage(, message); // response to the user that added the new one
if(toAdd) message = config.messages.userAdded.added;
else message = config.messages.userRemoved.removed;
message = message.replace('{username_add_rem}', contact.first_name);
message = message.replace('{username}', from.first_name);
telegram.sendMessage(contact.user_id, message); // Notify the new/old user
if(toAdd) message = config.messages.adminNotifications.userAdded;
else message = config.messages.adminNotifications.userRemoved;
message = message.replace('{username_add_rem}', contact.first_name);
message = message.replace('{username}', from.first_name);
if( != notifyAdmin(message); // notifyAdmin
console.log('Failed to save DB!!!');
let loadDB = () => {
let dbLocation = config.DBLocation;
if (dbLocation[dbLocation.length - 1] != '/') dbLocation += '/users.json';
else dbLocation += 'users.json';
data = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(dbLocation));
authorizedUsers = JSON.parse(data.toString());
console.log('DB loaded. AuthorizedUsers: ', authorizedUsers);
console.error('DB file is corrupted. Please delete the file', dbLocation, 'And rerun this service');
authorizedUsers = [];
console.log('DB was created. Everything is Okay.');
console.error('Unable to read from DB. Error:\n', err);
let saveToDB = () => {
let dbLocation = config.DBLocation;
if (dbLocation[dbLocation.length - 1] != '/') dbLocation += '/users.json';
else dbLocation += 'users.json';
fs.writeFileSync(dbLocation, JSON.stringify(authorizedUsers));
return true;
console.error('Failed to save to DB... ERROR:\n', err);
return false;
/****** Run script ******/
let telegram = new TelegramBot(config.botId, {
polling: true
telegram.on('message', (msg) => {
const chatId =;
if(process.argv.indexOf('--printMessage') > 0){
console.log(JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2));
if (userAllowd(msg)) {
} else {
let message = config.messages.sendieResponse.unauthorizedUser;
message = message.replace('{username}', msg.from.username);
message = message.replace('{messageObj}', JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2));
telegram.sendMessage(chatId, message);
message = config.messages.adminNotifications.unauthorizedUser;
message = message.replace('{username}', msg.from.username);
message = message.replace('{messageObj}', JSON.stringify(msg, null, 2));