Sagi Dayan 48661005be
initial commit
Signed-off-by: Sagi Dayan <>
2024-09-01 16:30:56 +03:00

679 lines
31 KiB

package subsonic
/* This file was automatically generated from the xsd schema provided by Subsonic, then manually modified.
* xsdgen -o xml.go -pkg subsonic -ns "" subsonic-rest-api-1.16.1.xsd
* Changes from the original include:
* - Adding missing name (value of xml element) for each genre
* - Capitalize "ID" in struct names and add missing ID fields.
* - Merge *With* variants of structs.
import (
// AlbumID3 is an album that's organized by music file tags.
type AlbumID3 struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"` // Manually added
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"` // Merged from AlbumWithSongsID3
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Artist string `xml:"artist,attr,omitempty"`
ArtistID string `xml:"artistId,attr,omitempty"`
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty"`
SongCount int `xml:"songCount,attr"`
Duration int `xml:"duration,attr"`
PlayCount int64 `xml:"playCount,attr,omitempty"`
Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr"`
Starred time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
Year int `xml:"year,attr,omitempty"`
Genre string `xml:"genre,attr,omitempty"`
// AlbumInfo is a collection of notes and links describing an album.
type AlbumInfo struct {
Notes string `xml:" notes,omitempty"`
MusicBrainzID string `xml:" musicBrainzId,omitempty"`
LastFmUrl string `xml:" lastFmUrl,omitempty"`
SmallImageUrl string `xml:" smallImageUrl,omitempty"`
MediumImageUrl string `xml:" mediumImageUrl,omitempty"`
LargeImageUrl string `xml:" largeImageUrl,omitempty"`
type albumList struct {
Album []*Child `xml:" album,omitempty"`
type albumList2 struct {
Album []*AlbumID3 `xml:" album,omitempty"`
// Artist is an artist from the server, organized in the folders pattern.
type Artist struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
ArtistImageUrl string `xml:"artistImageUrl,attr,omitempty"`
Starred time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
UserRating int `xml:"userRating,attr,omitempty"`
AverageRating float64 `xml:"averageRating,attr,omitempty"`
// ArtistID3 is an artist from the server, organized by ID3 tag.
type ArtistID3 struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"` // Manually added
Album []*AlbumID3 `xml:" album,omitempty"` // Merged with ArtistWithAlbumsID3
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty"`
ArtistImageUrl string `xml:"artistImageUrl,attr,omitempty"`
AlbumCount int `xml:"albumCount,attr"`
Starred time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
// ArtistInfo is all auxillary information about an artist from GetArtistInfo.
type ArtistInfo struct {
SimilarArtist []*Artist `xml:" similarArtist,omitempty"`
Biography string `xml:" biography,omitempty"`
MusicBrainzID string `xml:" musicBrainzId,omitempty"`
LastFmUrl string `xml:" lastFmUrl,omitempty"`
SmallImageUrl string `xml:" smallImageUrl,omitempty"`
MediumImageUrl string `xml:" mediumImageUrl,omitempty"`
LargeImageUrl string `xml:" largeImageUrl,omitempty"`
// ArtistInfo2 is all auxillary information about an artist from GetArtistInfo2, with similar artists organized by ID3 tags.
type ArtistInfo2 struct {
SimilarArtist []*ArtistID3 `xml:" similarArtist,omitempty"`
Biography string `xml:" biography,omitempty"`
MusicBrainzID string `xml:" musicBrainzId,omitempty"`
LastFmUrl string `xml:" lastFmUrl,omitempty"`
SmallImageUrl string `xml:" smallImageUrl,omitempty"`
MediumImageUrl string `xml:" mediumImageUrl,omitempty"`
LargeImageUrl string `xml:" largeImageUrl,omitempty"`
// ArtistsID3 is an index of every artist on the server organized by ID3 tag, from getArtists.
type ArtistsID3 struct {
Index []*IndexID3 `xml:" index,omitempty"`
IgnoredArticles string `xml:"ignoredArticles,attr"`
type Bookmark struct {
Entry *Child `xml:" entry"`
Position int64 `xml:"position,attr"`
Username string `xml:"username,attr"`
Comment string `xml:"comment,attr,omitempty"`
Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr"`
Changed time.Time `xml:"changed,attr"`
func (t *Bookmark) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T Bookmark
var layout struct {
Created *xsdDateTime `xml:"created,attr"`
Changed *xsdDateTime `xml:"changed,attr"`
layout.T = (*T)(t)
layout.Created = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.Created)
layout.Changed = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.Changed)
return e.EncodeElement(layout, start)
func (t *Bookmark) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T Bookmark
var overlay struct {
Created *xsdDateTime `xml:"created,attr"`
Changed *xsdDateTime `xml:"changed,attr"`
overlay.T = (*T)(t)
overlay.Created = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.Created)
overlay.Changed = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.Changed)
return d.DecodeElement(&overlay, &start)
type bookmarks struct {
Bookmark []*Bookmark `xml:" bookmark,omitempty"`
type ChatMessage struct {
Username string `xml:"username,attr"`
Time int64 `xml:"time,attr"`
Message string `xml:"message,attr"`
type chatMessages struct {
ChatMessage []*ChatMessage `xml:" chatMessage,omitempty"`
// Child is a song, or a generic entry in the hierarchical directory structure of the database.
// You can tell if Child is used as a song contextually based on what it was returned by, or if the IsDir boolean was set to true.
type Child struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"` // Manually added
Parent string `xml:"parent,attr,omitempty"`
IsDir bool `xml:"isDir,attr"`
Title string `xml:"title,attr"`
Album string `xml:"album,attr,omitempty"`
Artist string `xml:"artist,attr,omitempty"`
Track int `xml:"track,attr,omitempty"`
Year int `xml:"year,attr,omitempty"`
Genre string `xml:"genre,attr,omitempty"`
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty"`
Size int64 `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"`
ContentType string `xml:"contentType,attr,omitempty"`
Suffix string `xml:"suffix,attr,omitempty"`
TranscodedContentType string `xml:"transcodedContentType,attr,omitempty"`
TranscodedSuffix string `xml:"transcodedSuffix,attr,omitempty"`
Duration int `xml:"duration,attr,omitempty"`
BitRate int `xml:"bitRate,attr,omitempty"`
Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
IsVideo bool `xml:"isVideo,attr,omitempty"`
UserRating int `xml:"userRating,attr,omitempty"`
AverageRating float64 `xml:"averageRating,attr,omitempty"`
PlayCount int64 `xml:"playCount,attr,omitempty"`
DiscNumber int `xml:"discNumber,attr,omitempty"`
Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr,omitempty"`
Starred time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
AlbumID string `xml:"albumId,attr,omitempty"`
ArtistID string `xml:"artistId,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // May be one of music, podcast, audiobook, video
BookmarkPosition int64 `xml:"bookmarkPosition,attr,omitempty"`
OriginalWidth int `xml:"originalWidth,attr,omitempty"`
OriginalHeight int `xml:"originalHeight,attr,omitempty"`
// Directory is an entry in the hierarchical folder structure organization of the server database.
type Directory struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"` // Manually added
Child []*Child `xml:" child,omitempty"`
Parent string `xml:"parent,attr,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Starred time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
UserRating int `xml:"userRating,attr,omitempty"`
AverageRating float64 `xml:"averageRating,attr,omitempty"`
PlayCount int64 `xml:"playCount,attr,omitempty"`
type Error struct {
Code int `xml:"code,attr"`
Message string `xml:"message,attr,omitempty"`
// Genre is a style tag for a collection of songs and albums.
type Genre struct {
Name string `xml:",chardata"` // Added manually
SongCount int `xml:"songCount,attr"`
AlbumCount int `xml:"albumCount,attr"`
type genres struct {
Genre []*Genre `xml:" genre,omitempty"`
// Index is a collection of artists that begin with the same first letter, along with that letter or category.
type Index struct {
Artist []*Artist `xml:" artist,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
// Index is a collection of artists by ID3 tag that begin with the same first letter, along with that letter or category.
type IndexID3 struct {
Artist []*ArtistID3 `xml:" artist,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
// Indexes is the full index of the database, returned by getIndex.
// It contains some Index structs for each letter of the DB, plus Child entries for individual tracks.
type Indexes struct {
Shortcut []*Artist `xml:" shortcut,omitempty"`
Index []*Index `xml:" index,omitempty"`
Child []*Child `xml:" child,omitempty"`
LastModified int64 `xml:"lastModified,attr"`
IgnoredArticles string `xml:"ignoredArticles,attr"`
type InternetRadioStation struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
StreamUrl string `xml:"streamUrl,attr"`
HomePageUrl string `xml:"homePageUrl,attr,omitempty"`
type internetRadioStations struct {
InternetRadioStation []*InternetRadioStation `xml:" internetRadioStation,omitempty"`
type JukeboxPlaylist struct {
Entry []*Child `xml:" entry,omitempty"`
CurrentIndex int `xml:"currentIndex,attr"`
Playing bool `xml:"playing,attr"`
Gain float32 `xml:"gain,attr"`
Position int `xml:"position,attr,omitempty"`
type JukeboxStatus struct {
CurrentIndex int `xml:"currentIndex,attr"`
Playing bool `xml:"playing,attr"`
Gain float32 `xml:"gain,attr"`
Position int `xml:"position,attr,omitempty"`
// License contains information about the Subsonic server's license validity and contact information in the case of a trial subscription.
type License struct {
Valid bool `xml:"valid,attr"`
Email string `xml:"email,attr,omitempty"`
LicenseExpires time.Time `xml:"licenseExpires,attr,omitempty"`
TrialExpires time.Time `xml:"trialExpires,attr,omitempty"`
type Lyrics struct {
Artist string `xml:"artist,attr,omitempty"`
Title string `xml:"title,attr,omitempty"`
// MusicFolder is a representation of a source of music files added to the server. It is identified primarily by the numeric ID.
type MusicFolder struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
type musicFolders struct {
MusicFolder []*MusicFolder `xml:" musicFolder,omitempty"`
type newestPodcasts struct {
Episode []*PodcastEpisode `xml:" episode,omitempty"`
type nowPlaying struct {
Entry []*NowPlayingEntry `xml:" entry,omitempty"`
// NowPlayingEntry is one individual stream coming from the server along with information about who was streaming it.
type NowPlayingEntry struct {
Username string `xml:"username,attr"`
MinutesAgo int `xml:"minutesAgo,attr"`
PlayerID int `xml:"playerId,attr"`
PlayerName string `xml:"playerName,attr,omitempty"`
Parent string `xml:"parent,attr,omitempty"`
IsDir bool `xml:"isDir,attr"`
Title string `xml:"title,attr"`
Album string `xml:"album,attr,omitempty"`
Artist string `xml:"artist,attr,omitempty"`
Track int `xml:"track,attr,omitempty"`
Year int `xml:"year,attr,omitempty"`
Genre string `xml:"genre,attr,omitempty"`
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty"`
Size int64 `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"`
ContentType string `xml:"contentType,attr,omitempty"`
Suffix string `xml:"suffix,attr,omitempty"`
TranscodedContentType string `xml:"transcodedContentType,attr,omitempty"`
TranscodedSuffix string `xml:"transcodedSuffix,attr,omitempty"`
Duration int `xml:"duration,attr,omitempty"`
BitRate int `xml:"bitRate,attr,omitempty"`
Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
IsVideo bool `xml:"isVideo,attr,omitempty"`
UserRating int `xml:"userRating,attr,omitempty"`
AverageRating float64 `xml:"averageRating,attr,omitempty"`
PlayCount int64 `xml:"playCount,attr,omitempty"`
DiscNumber int `xml:"discNumber,attr,omitempty"`
Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr,omitempty"`
Starred time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
AlbumID string `xml:"albumId,attr,omitempty"`
ArtistID string `xml:"artistId,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // May be one of music, podcast, audiobook, video
BookmarkPosition int64 `xml:"bookmarkPosition,attr,omitempty"`
OriginalWidth int `xml:"originalWidth,attr,omitempty"`
OriginalHeight int `xml:"originalHeight,attr,omitempty"`
type PlayQueue struct {
Entry []*Child `xml:" entry,omitempty"`
Current int `xml:"current,attr,omitempty"`
Position int64 `xml:"position,attr,omitempty"`
Username string `xml:"username,attr"`
Changed time.Time `xml:"changed,attr"`
ChangedBy string `xml:"changedBy,attr"`
func (t *PlayQueue) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T PlayQueue
var layout struct {
Changed *xsdDateTime `xml:"changed,attr"`
layout.T = (*T)(t)
layout.Changed = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.Changed)
return e.EncodeElement(layout, start)
func (t *PlayQueue) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T PlayQueue
var overlay struct {
Changed *xsdDateTime `xml:"changed,attr"`
overlay.T = (*T)(t)
overlay.Changed = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.Changed)
return d.DecodeElement(&overlay, &start)
// Playlist is a collection of songs with metadata like a name, comment, and information about the total duration of the playlist.
type Playlist struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"` // Added manually
Entry []*Child `xml:" entry,omitempty"` // Merged from PlaylistWithSongs
AllowedUser []string `xml:" allowedUser,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Comment string `xml:"comment,attr,omitempty"`
Owner string `xml:"owner,attr,omitempty"`
Public bool `xml:"public,attr,omitempty"`
SongCount int `xml:"songCount,attr"`
Duration int `xml:"duration,attr"`
Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr"`
Changed time.Time `xml:"changed,attr"`
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty"`
type playlists struct {
Playlist []*Playlist `xml:" playlist,omitempty"`
type PodcastChannel struct {
Episode []*PodcastEpisode `xml:" episode,omitempty"`
Url string `xml:"url,attr"`
Title string `xml:"title,attr,omitempty"`
Description string `xml:"description,attr,omitempty"`
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty"`
OriginalImageUrl string `xml:"originalImageUrl,attr,omitempty"`
Status string `xml:"status,attr"` // May be one of new, downloading, completed, error, deleted, skipped
ErrorMessage string `xml:"errorMessage,attr,omitempty"`
type PodcastEpisode struct {
StreamID string `xml:"streamId,attr,omitempty"`
ChannelID string `xml:"channelId,attr"`
Description string `xml:"description,attr,omitempty"`
Status string `xml:"status,attr"` // May be one of new, downloading, completed, error, deleted, skipped
PublishDate time.Time `xml:"publishDate,attr,omitempty"`
Parent string `xml:"parent,attr,omitempty"`
IsDir bool `xml:"isDir,attr"`
Title string `xml:"title,attr"`
Album string `xml:"album,attr,omitempty"`
Artist string `xml:"artist,attr,omitempty"`
Track int `xml:"track,attr,omitempty"`
Year int `xml:"year,attr,omitempty"`
Genre string `xml:"genre,attr,omitempty"`
CoverArt string `xml:"coverArt,attr,omitempty"`
Size int64 `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"`
ContentType string `xml:"contentType,attr,omitempty"`
Suffix string `xml:"suffix,attr,omitempty"`
TranscodedContentType string `xml:"transcodedContentType,attr,omitempty"`
TranscodedSuffix string `xml:"transcodedSuffix,attr,omitempty"`
Duration int `xml:"duration,attr,omitempty"`
BitRate int `xml:"bitRate,attr,omitempty"`
Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
IsVideo bool `xml:"isVideo,attr,omitempty"`
UserRating int `xml:"userRating,attr,omitempty"`
AverageRating float64 `xml:"averageRating,attr,omitempty"`
PlayCount int64 `xml:"playCount,attr,omitempty"`
DiscNumber int `xml:"discNumber,attr,omitempty"`
Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr,omitempty"`
Starred time.Time `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
AlbumID string `xml:"albumId,attr,omitempty"`
ArtistID string `xml:"artistId,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"` // May be one of music, podcast, audiobook, video
BookmarkPosition int64 `xml:"bookmarkPosition,attr,omitempty"`
OriginalWidth int `xml:"originalWidth,attr,omitempty"`
OriginalHeight int `xml:"originalHeight,attr,omitempty"`
func (t *PodcastEpisode) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T PodcastEpisode
var layout struct {
PublishDate *xsdDateTime `xml:"publishDate,attr,omitempty"`
Created *xsdDateTime `xml:"created,attr,omitempty"`
Starred *xsdDateTime `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
layout.T = (*T)(t)
layout.PublishDate = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.PublishDate)
layout.Created = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.Created)
layout.Starred = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.Starred)
return e.EncodeElement(layout, start)
func (t *PodcastEpisode) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T PodcastEpisode
var overlay struct {
PublishDate *xsdDateTime `xml:"publishDate,attr,omitempty"`
Created *xsdDateTime `xml:"created,attr,omitempty"`
Starred *xsdDateTime `xml:"starred,attr,omitempty"`
overlay.T = (*T)(t)
overlay.PublishDate = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.PublishDate)
overlay.Created = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.Created)
overlay.Starred = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.Starred)
return d.DecodeElement(&overlay, &start)
type podcasts struct {
Channel []*PodcastChannel `xml:" channel,omitempty"`
// Response is the main target for unmarshalling data from the API - everything within the "subsonic-response" key
type Response struct {
License *License `xml:" license"`
MusicFolders *musicFolders `xml:" musicFolders"`
Indexes *Indexes `xml:" indexes"`
Directory *Directory `xml:" directory"`
Genres *genres `xml:" genres"`
Artists *ArtistsID3 `xml:" artists"`
Artist *ArtistID3 `xml:" artist"`
Album *AlbumID3 `xml:" album"`
Song *Child `xml:" song"`
NowPlaying *nowPlaying `xml:" nowPlaying"`
SearchResult2 *SearchResult2 `xml:" searchResult2"`
SearchResult3 *SearchResult3 `xml:" searchResult3"`
Playlists *playlists `xml:" playlists"`
Playlist *Playlist `xml:" playlist"`
JukeboxStatus *JukeboxStatus `xml:" jukeboxStatus"`
JukeboxPlaylist *JukeboxPlaylist `xml:" jukeboxPlaylist"`
Users *users `xml:" users"`
User *User `xml:" user"`
ChatMessages *chatMessages `xml:" chatMessages"`
AlbumList *albumList `xml:" albumList"`
AlbumList2 *albumList2 `xml:" albumList2"`
RandomSongs *songs `xml:" randomSongs"`
SongsByGenre *songs `xml:" songsByGenre"`
Lyrics *Lyrics `xml:" lyrics"`
Podcasts *podcasts `xml:" podcasts"`
NewestPodcasts *newestPodcasts `xml:" newestPodcasts"`
InternetRadioStations *internetRadioStations `xml:" internetRadioStations"`
Bookmarks *bookmarks `xml:" bookmarks"`
PlayQueue *PlayQueue `xml:" playQueue"`
Shares *shares `xml:" shares"`
Starred *Starred `xml:" starred"`
Starred2 *Starred2 `xml:" starred2"`
AlbumInfo *AlbumInfo `xml:" albumInfo"`
ArtistInfo *ArtistInfo `xml:" artistInfo"`
ArtistInfo2 *ArtistInfo2 `xml:" artistInfo2"`
SimilarSongs *similarSongs `xml:" similarSongs"`
SimilarSongs2 *similarSongs2 `xml:" similarSongs2"`
TopSongs *topSongs `xml:" topSongs"`
ScanStatus *ScanStatus `xml:" scanStatus"`
Error *Error `xml:" error"`
Status string `xml:"status,attr"` // May be one of ok, failed
Version string `xml:"version,attr"` // Must match the pattern \d+\.\d+\.\d+
type ScanStatus struct {
Scanning bool `xml:"scanning,attr"`
Count int64 `xml:"count,attr,omitempty"`
// SearchResult2 is a collection of songs, albums, and artists related to a query.
type SearchResult2 struct {
Artist []*Artist `xml:" artist,omitempty"`
Album []*Child `xml:" album,omitempty"`
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
// SearchResult3 is a collection of songs, albums, and artists related to a query.
type SearchResult3 struct {
Artist []*ArtistID3 `xml:" artist,omitempty"`
Album []*AlbumID3 `xml:" album,omitempty"`
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
type Share struct {
Entry []*Child `xml:" entry,omitempty"`
Url string `xml:"url,attr"`
Description string `xml:"description,attr,omitempty"`
Username string `xml:"username,attr"`
Created time.Time `xml:"created,attr"`
Expires time.Time `xml:"expires,attr,omitempty"`
LastVisited time.Time `xml:"lastVisited,attr,omitempty"`
VisitCount int `xml:"visitCount,attr"`
func (t *Share) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T Share
var layout struct {
Created *xsdDateTime `xml:"created,attr"`
Expires *xsdDateTime `xml:"expires,attr,omitempty"`
LastVisited *xsdDateTime `xml:"lastVisited,attr,omitempty"`
layout.T = (*T)(t)
layout.Created = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.Created)
layout.Expires = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.Expires)
layout.LastVisited = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.LastVisited)
return e.EncodeElement(layout, start)
func (t *Share) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T Share
var overlay struct {
Created *xsdDateTime `xml:"created,attr"`
Expires *xsdDateTime `xml:"expires,attr,omitempty"`
LastVisited *xsdDateTime `xml:"lastVisited,attr,omitempty"`
overlay.T = (*T)(t)
overlay.Created = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.Created)
overlay.Expires = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.Expires)
overlay.LastVisited = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.LastVisited)
return d.DecodeElement(&overlay, &start)
type shares struct {
Share []*Share `xml:" share,omitempty"`
type similarSongs struct {
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
type similarSongs2 struct {
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
type songs struct {
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
// Starred is a collection of songs, albums, and artists annotated by a user as starred.
type Starred struct {
Artist []*Artist `xml:" artist,omitempty"`
Album []*Child `xml:" album,omitempty"`
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
// Starred2 is a collection of songs, albums, and artists organized by ID3 tags annotated by a user as starred.
type Starred2 struct {
Artist []*ArtistID3 `xml:" artist,omitempty"`
Album []*AlbumID3 `xml:" album,omitempty"`
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
type topSongs struct {
Song []*Child `xml:" song,omitempty"`
type User struct {
Folder []int `xml:" folder,omitempty"`
Username string `xml:"username,attr"`
Email string `xml:"email,attr,omitempty"`
ScrobblingEnabled bool `xml:"scrobblingEnabled,attr"`
MaxBitRate int `xml:"maxBitRate,attr,omitempty"`
AdminRole bool `xml:"adminRole,attr"`
SettingsRole bool `xml:"settingsRole,attr"`
DownloadRole bool `xml:"downloadRole,attr"`
UploadRole bool `xml:"uploadRole,attr"`
PlaylistRole bool `xml:"playlistRole,attr"`
CoverArtRole bool `xml:"coverArtRole,attr"`
CommentRole bool `xml:"commentRole,attr"`
PodcastRole bool `xml:"podcastRole,attr"`
StreamRole bool `xml:"streamRole,attr"`
JukeboxRole bool `xml:"jukeboxRole,attr"`
ShareRole bool `xml:"shareRole,attr"`
VideoConversionRole bool `xml:"videoConversionRole,attr"`
AvatarLastChanged time.Time `xml:"avatarLastChanged,attr,omitempty"`
func (t *User) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T User
var layout struct {
AvatarLastChanged *xsdDateTime `xml:"avatarLastChanged,attr,omitempty"`
layout.T = (*T)(t)
layout.AvatarLastChanged = (*xsdDateTime)(&layout.T.AvatarLastChanged)
return e.EncodeElement(layout, start)
func (t *User) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
type T User
var overlay struct {
AvatarLastChanged *xsdDateTime `xml:"avatarLastChanged,attr,omitempty"`
overlay.T = (*T)(t)
overlay.AvatarLastChanged = (*xsdDateTime)(&overlay.T.AvatarLastChanged)
return d.DecodeElement(&overlay, &start)
type users struct {
User []*User `xml:" user,omitempty"`
type xsdDateTime time.Time
func (t *xsdDateTime) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
return _unmarshalTime(text, (*time.Time)(t), "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999")
func (t xsdDateTime) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte((time.Time)(t).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999")), nil
func (t xsdDateTime) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
if (time.Time)(t).IsZero() {
return nil
m, err := t.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return err
return e.EncodeElement(m, start)
func (t xsdDateTime) MarshalXMLAttr(name xml.Name) (xml.Attr, error) {
if (time.Time)(t).IsZero() {
return xml.Attr{}, nil
m, err := t.MarshalText()
return xml.Attr{Name: name, Value: string(m)}, err
func _unmarshalTime(text []byte, t *time.Time, format string) (err error) {
s := string(bytes.TrimSpace(text))
*t, err = time.Parse(format, s)
if _, ok := err.(*time.ParseError); ok {
*t, err = time.Parse(format+"Z07:00", s)
return err