Aran Zaiger 8931f4bd86 - Adding adonis testing infrastracture
- example test and simple delete usr test added
- extract delete user logics from controller
2020-05-31 16:46:03 +03:00

63 lines
1.9 KiB

'use strict'
| Vow file
| The vow file is loaded before running your tests. This is the best place
| to hook operations `before` and `after` running the tests.
// Uncomment when want to run migrations
// const ace = require('@adonisjs/ace')
module.exports = (cli, runner) => {
runner.before(async () => {
| Start the server
| Starts the http server before running the tests. You can comment this
| line, if http server is not required
use('Adonis/Src/Server').listen(process.env.HOST, process.env.PORT)
| Run migrations
| Migrate the database before starting the tests.
// await'migration:run', {}, { silent: true })
runner.after(async () => {
| Shutdown server
| Shutdown the HTTP server when all tests have been executed.
| Rollback migrations
| Once all tests have been completed, we should reset the database to it's
| original state
// await'migration:reset', {}, { silent: true })