var DEBUG = true; var service = angular.module('', []); service.factory('apiService', ['$http', function($http) { return { getUserByToken: function(token){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/users/getUserByToken/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, getAllCampuses: function(token){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/campuses/getAll/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, sendValidationMail: function(token, email){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/validation/sendmail/" + token; payload = { email: email }; req = { method: "POST", url: url, data: payload }; return $http(req); }, updateUser: function(token, payLoad){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/users/updateUser/" + token; req = { method: "PUT", url: url, data: payLoad }; return $http(req); }, getCourseByCampusName: function(token){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/getAll/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, getAllCourses: function(token){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/getAll/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, getAllMessages: function(token){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/getAllMessages/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, createMessage: function(token, payLoad){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/createMessage/" + token; req = { method : "POST", url : url, data: payLoad }; return $http(req); }, getMessagesByCourseName: function(token, courseName){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/getMessagesByCourseName/" + token + '/' + courseName; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, createCourse: function(token, payLoad){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/create/" + token; req = { method : "POST", url : url, data: payLoad }; return $http(req); }, getCampusesByUser: function(){ var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/getCampusesByUser/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, }, getClassesByCourse: function(){ // Need to add camusName (ngRoute) ~ sagi //TODO var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/ClassesByCourse/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); }, getProjectsByCourse: function(){ // Need to add courseID (ngRoute) ~ sagi //TODO var url = (DEBUG ? "http://localhost:8080" : "") + "/api/courses/getProjectByCourse/" + token; req = { method : "GET", url : url }; return $http(req); } }; }]);