angular.module('SeHub') .controller('taskController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'dataService', 'apiService', '$cookies', '$location', '$routeParams', '$mdDialog', function($scope, $rootScope, dataService, apiService, $cookies, $location, $routeParams, $mdDialog) { var taskId = $routeParams.taskId; var submitterId = $routeParams.submitterId; var token = $cookies['com.sehub.www']; var groupId = $routeParams.gId; var user = $scope.$parent.user; $scope.loading = true; $scope.isMaster = false; apiService.getTaskById(token, taskId, groupId).success(function(data) { if(!data.grade.grade) data.grade.grade = 0; $scope.task = data; $scope.dateInit($scope.task.dueDate); apiService.getCourseById(token, data.courseId).success(function(data) { $scope.isMaster = ( === data.master_id); }); if (!data.isPersonal) { apiService.getProjectsById(token, groupId).success(function(data) { $ = data; }); } else { apiService.getUserById(token, groupId).success(function(data) { $ = data; }); } $scope.loading = false; }).error(function(err) { $location.path('/tasks'); }) if (submitterId) { //In This Case we Only Want to show The Content of the Submitter $scope.readOnly = true; } else { //In This Case We Need An Empty Task To Be Able To Fill It $scope.readOnly = false; } $scope.dateInit = function(date) { d = moment(new Date(date.year, date.month - 1,; $ = d.format("d MMMM YYYY"); } $scope.dueTime = function() { if (!$ || $ === '') $scope.dueTimeFromNow = ""; var d = new Date($; $scope.dueTimeFromNow = moment(d).fromNow(); } $scope.initLinkComp = function(component) { var arr = component.label.split("|"); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { if (i == 0) component.title = arr[i]; else component.href = arr[i]; }; } $scope.initRadioButtonsComp = function(component) { var arr = component.label.split("|"); component.values = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { if (i == 0) component.title = arr[i]; else component.values.push({ text: arr[i], id: i }); }; } function validateComponents() { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.task.components.length; i++) { if ($scope.task.components[i].isMandatory && (!$scope.task.components[i].value || $scope.task.components[i].value == '')) return false; } return true; } $scope.submitTask = function(event) { //Dialog will pop-up if not all mandatory fields are filled if (validateComponents()) { apiService.submitTask(token, taskId, groupId, $scope.task.components).success(function(data) { $ $mdDialog.alert() .title('Submitted!') .content('Your Task Was Successfully Submitted!') .ariaLabel('ddd') .ok('GoTo My Submitted Task') .targetEvent(event) ).then(function() { $location.path('/tasks/overview/' + taskId + '/' + groupId + '/' + groupId); }); }).error(function(err) { console.log(err.message); }) } else { $ $mdDialog.alert() .title('Hey There...') .content('You Must Fill All Mandatory Fields In Order To Submit The Task') .ariaLabel('Not All Mandatory Are Filled') .ok('Got it!') .targetEvent(event) ); } }; $scope.submitGrade = function(event){ apiService.submitGrade(token, taskId, groupId, $scope.task.grade.grade).success(function(data){ $ $mdDialog.alert() .title('Thanks For Grading') .content('The Grade was successfully posted. you can change the grade later if you want') .ariaLabel('Not All Mandatory Are Filled') .ok('Go Back To Tasks') .targetEvent(event) ).then(function(){ $location.path('/tasks'); }); }).error(function(err){ $ $mdDialog.alert() .title('Something Happened') .content('something went wrong... Try Again Later') .ariaLabel('Not All Mandatory Are Filled') .ok('No Problem!') .targetEvent(event) ); console.error(err); }) } $scope.dueTime = function() { if (!$ || $ === '') $scope.dueTimeFromNow = ""; var d = new Date($; $scope.descriptionInit = function(desc) { desc.replace('\n', '
'); } $scope.descriptionInit($scope.task.description); $scope.dueTimeFromNow = moment(d).fromNow(); } } ]); //End Controller