angular.module('SeHub') .controller('classController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$cookies', '$cookieStore', '$window', '$location', '$mdToast', '$mdDialog', 'apiService', '$rootScope', function($scope, $routeParams, $cookies, $cookieStore, $window, $location, $mdToast, $mdDialog, apiService, $rootScope) { var token = $cookies['com.sehub.www']; var classId = $routeParams.classId; $scope.project = {}; $scope.project.courseName = $routeParams.className; $scope.projectsEmpty = true; $scope.isCreateProjectClicked = false; $scope.submitNewCourseClicked = false; $scope.loadingData = true; $scope.creatingProject = false; $scope.isInCourse = false; var startDate = null; var endDate = null; var nowDate = new Date(); var one_day=1000*60*60*24; var dayDeltaOfCourse; var courseElapseTime; $scope.isCourseOver = false; $scope.createSctionStatus = "fa fa-angle-down"; $scope.displayProjects = function() { apiService.getCourseById(token, classId) .success(function(data) { startDate = new Date(data.startDate.year, data.startDate.month-1,; endDate = new Date(data.endDate.year, data.endDate.month-1, $scope.course = data; $scope.course.startDate = startDate.toDateString(); $scope.course.endDate = endDate.toDateString(); dayDeltaOfCourse = (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / one_day; courseElapseTime = (nowDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / one_day; if(courseElapseTime < 0) courseElapseTime = 0; else if(courseElapseTime > dayDeltaOfCourse){ $scope.isCourseOver = true; courseElapseTime = dayDeltaOfCourse; } $scope.courseTimePresentege = ((courseElapseTime/dayDeltaOfCourse) * 100).toString(); console.log($scope.courseTimePresentege); apiService.getProjectsByCourse(token, classId).success(function(data) // Get all the campuses { $scope.loadingData = false; $scope.projects = data; if ($scope.projects != null && $scope.projects.length > 0) { $scope.projectsEmpty = false; } init(); // Executing the function to initialize projects display }).error(function(err) { console.error("Error: " + err); }); }) .error(function(err) { console.error("Error: " + err); }) } $scope.joinCourse = function() { apiService.joinCourse(token, classId).success(function(data) { $scope.isInCourse = true; $$mdDialog.alert().title('Joined Course').content('You have successfully joined course.') .ariaLabel('Join course alert dialog').ok('Lets Start!').targetEvent()) .then(function() { $location.path('/class/' + classId); // TODO TODO TODO }); // Pop-up alert }).error(function(err) { $$mdDialog.alert().title('Error Joining Course').content(err.message + '.') .ariaLabel('Join course alert dialog').ok('Try Again!').targetEvent()); // Pop-up alert // .then(function() { // // $location.path('/newCourse'); // TODO TODO TODO // }); }); } $scope.createProjectClicked = function() { $scope.isCreateProjectClicked = !$scope.isCreateProjectClicked; if($scope.isCreateProjectClicked) $scope.createSctionStatus = "fa fa-angle-up"; else $scope.createSctionStatus = "fa fa-angle-down"; } $scope.submitNewProject = function() { $scope.creatingProject = true; var intClassId = parseInt(classId); var jsonNewProj = { 'projectName': $scope.project.projectName, 'courseId': intClassId, 'gitRepository': $scope.project.repoOwner + '/' + $scope.project.gitRepoName }; console.log("Look Down"); console.log(jsonNewProj); if ($scope.project.logoUrl) jsonNewProj.logo_url = $scope.project.logoUrl; apiService.createProject(token, jsonNewProj).success(function(data) { $scope.loadingData = false; projectId =; $$mdDialog.alert().title('Project Created').content('You have successfully created project.') .ariaLabel('Project created alert dialog').ok('Great!').targetEvent()) .then(function() { $location.path('/project/' + projectId); // TODO TODO TODO }); // Pop-up alert }).error(function(err) { $scope.creatingProject = false; console.log(err.message); $$mdDialog.alert().title('Error Creating Project').content('You have failed Creating the project.') .ariaLabel('Create project alert dialog').ok('Try Again!').targetEvent()); // Pop-up alert }); } $scope.goToProject = function(projectId) { console.log("projects only from classID: " + projectId) $location.path('/project/' + projectId); } var init = function() { $scope.arrayHolder = []; var tempArr = []; var sizeOfSmallArrays = 3; for (var i = 0 ; i < $scope.projects.length ; i++) { if(i % sizeOfSmallArrays !== 0){ tempArr.push($scope.projects[i]); }else{ if(i !== 0){ $scope.arrayHolder.push(tempArr); tempArr = []; tempArr.push($scope.projects[i]); }else{ tempArr.push($scope.projects[i]); } } }; $scope.arrayHolder.push(tempArr); } // Running... $scope.displayProjects(); // Displaying all projects related to user }]);