angular.module('SeHub') .controller('registerController', ['$scope', '$cookies', '$cookieStore', '$window', '$location', '$mdToast', '$mdDialog', 'apiService', '$rootScope', function ($scope, $cookies, $cookieStore, $window, $location, $mdToast, $mdDialog, apiService ,$rootScope) { $scope.userHasNoName = false; $scope.campusChecked = false; $scope.createCampusClicked = false; $scope.isEmpty = true; // if the academic email line is empty $scope.jsonCreateCampus = { "title": "Create Campus", "email": "email_ending", "avatar": "self.avatar.url" } $rootScope.seToken = $cookies['com.sehub.www']; var token = $rootScope.seToken; apiService.getUserByToken(token).success(function(data) // Get user token { $scope.user = data; if(data.message == 'No User Found') console.error("No User Found!"); console.log(data); if($ === ";") { $ = ""; $ = $scope.user.username $scope.userHasNoName = true; } apiService.getAllCampuses($scope.user.seToken).success(function(data) // Get all the campuses { $scope.campuses = data; }).error(function() { // TODO }); }); $scope.dropdownClicked = function() { if($scope.campus){ $scope.campusChecked = true; $scope.campusObj = null; for (var i = $scope.campuses.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if($scope.campuses[i].title == $scope.campus){ $scope.campusObj = $scope.campuses[i]; console.log($scope.campusObj); // TODO REMOVE!! } }; }; }; $scope.submitClicked = function(ev) { var emailValid = false; if($scope.user.AcMail != null) { var fullMail = $scope.user.AcMail + $scope.campusObj.email_ending; // Holds the full academic email of the user console.log("Mail: " + fullMail); apiService.sendValidationMail($scope.user.seToken, fullMail).success(function(data) { console.log("DONE - 200"); $$mdDialog.alert().title('E-mail Verification').content('A verification e-mail has been sent to your email address.') .ariaLabel('Email verification alert dialog').ok('Got it!').targetEvent(ev)); // Pop-up alert for e-mail verification // TODO ADD delete cookies and redirect only after pressed 'Got it' $cookieStore.remove("com.sehub.www"); // Removing the cookies $window.location.href = ''; // Reference to 'welcome' page }).error(function() { $$mdDialog.alert().title('Error - E-mail Verification').content('An error has occured in your e-mail address.') .ariaLabel('Email verification error alert dialog').ok('Got it!').targetEvent(ev)); }); } else // TODO Fix when success to show mdDialog until 'Got it' clicked { $$mdDialog.alert().title('Error - E-mail Verification').content('An error has occured in your e-mail address.') .ariaLabel('Email verification error alert dialog').ok('Got it!').targetEvent(ev)); }; }; $scope.createCampus = function(ev) { $scope.createCampusClicked = true; if(!$scope.isLecturer) // "!isLecturer" Means => I Am Lecturer; if i am a lecturer (when pressing -> getting last data value before pressing) { if($scope.user.campusMail != null) { validateEmail($scope.user.campusMail); // Verify the email according to "xxx@name.suffix" } } } validateEmail = function(email) { var result = /^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i; if (!result.test(email)) // TODO Fix when success to show mdDialog until 'Got it' clicked { console.log(email + ", Error in email, should alert"); // alert('Please provide a valid e-mail address'); $$mdDialog.alert().title('Error - E-mail Verification').content('An error has occured in your e-mail address.') .ariaLabel('Email verification error alert dialog').ok('Got it!').targetEvent(email)); } if(result.test(email)) // TODO Fix when success to show mdDialog until 'Got it' clicked { console.log("Im good"); apiService.sendValidationMail($scope.user.seToken, email).success(function(data) { console.log("DONE - 200"); $$mdDialog.alert().title('E-mail Verification').content('A verification e-mail has been sent to your email address.') .ariaLabel('Email verification alert dialog').ok('Got it!').targetEvent(email)); // Pop-up alert for e-mail verification // TODO ADD delete cookies and redirect only after pressed 'Got it' $cookieStore.remove("com.sehub.www"); // Removing the cookies $window.location.href = ''; // Reference to 'welcome' page }).error(function() { $$mdDialog.alert().title('Error - E-mail Verification').content('An error has occured in your e-mail address or in the campus name.') .ariaLabel('Email verification error alert dialog').ok('Got it!').targetEvent(email)); }); } } }]);