angular.module('SeHub') .controller('homeController', ['$scope', '$cookies', '$cookieStore', '$window', '$location', '$mdToast', '$mdDialog', 'apiService', '$rootScope', function ($scope, $cookies, $cookieStore, $window, $location, $mdToast, $mdDialog, apiService ,$rootScope) { var imagePath = $scope.user.avatar_url; $scope.phones = [ { type: 'Home', number: '(972) 865-82861' }, { type: 'Cell', number: '(972) 5251-32309' }, ]; $scope.messages = [ { face : imagePath, what: 'I need to go to luna-park', who: 'Matan Bar Yosef', when: '3:08PM', notes: " Lets do something" }, { face : imagePath, what: 'Lets Lets Lets', who: 'Matan Bar Yosef', when: '4:33PM', notes: " Lets go drink something" }, { face : imagePath, what: 'Let me tell you a secret', who: 'Sagi Dayan', when: '4:15PM', notes: " I am S'ein" }, { face : imagePath, what: 'Listen to this!', who: 'Aran Zaiger', when: '6:15PM', notes: " I am gaylord ultima!!" }, { face : imagePath, what: 'Hi?', who: 'Etye Meyer', when: '7:45AM', notes: " I am mega gaylord ultima" } ]; $scope.tasks = [ { ExNum: '1', dueDate: '23/06/15', notes: " Build A Game: Scrabble" }, { ExNum: '3', dueDate: '30/06/15', notes: " Static Array" }, { ExNum: '4', dueDate: '07/07/15', notes: " Dynamic Array" }, ]; // animation $scope.isEnterd = top.setIsEnterd; }]);