extends CutScene var _dialog_bubble = load("res://src/CutScenes/DialogBubble/DialogBubble.tscn") var _old_man_dialog = [ { "text": "Hi there young one!", "callback": null }, { "text": "You do look stupid enough\nfor my challenge...", "callback": null }, { "text": "Basically, you are already dead", "callback": null }, { "text": "Sorry, you hear that from me\n But fear not!", "callback": null }, { "text": "To redeam your self i crafted 10 challanges for ya", "callback": null }, { "text": "You have ten minutes to complete them all and collect as meny Coins and Orbs as you can", "callback": null }, { "text": "You will fail, learn from your mistakes. Just try to fail as little as possible", "callback": null }, { "text": "Questions?", "callback": null }, { "text": "*COUGH* Anyway, Good luck, and mind you step!", "callback": null }, ] func start_scene(camera:CameraGame = null): _started = true; _main_camera_ref = camera position = camera.get_global_transform().get_origin() _camera = camera.duplicate() add_child(_camera) _main_camera_ref.current = false _camera.current = true $AnimationPlayer.play("start") yield($AnimationPlayer, "animation_finished") yield(get_tree().create_timer(.5), "timeout") # Dialog 1 $AnimationPlayer.play("old_dude_slide_in") yield($AnimationPlayer, "animation_finished") var dialog_bubble:DialogBubble = _dialog_bubble.instance() dialog_bubble.dialog = _old_man_dialog $Overlay.add_child(dialog_bubble) dialog_bubble.start_dialog() yield(dialog_bubble, "dialog_finished") $AnimationPlayer.play("old_dude_slide_out") yield($AnimationPlayer, "animation_finished") camera.get_parent().boost(Vector2(0,-200)) # _on_scene_exited() pass # func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: # if not _started: return # if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"): # if allow_skip: _on_scene_exited() func _on_scene_exited(): $Tween.interpolate_property(_camera, "position", _camera.position, _camera.get_parent().position, 2, Tween.TRANS_BOUNCE, Tween.EASE_OUT) $Tween.start() yield($Tween, "tween_completed") _main_camera_ref.current = true $AnimationPlayer.play_backwards("start") yield($AnimationPlayer, "animation_finished") end_scene()