--- window: # Blank space added around the window in pixels padding: x: 2 y: 2 # Spread additional padding evenly around the terminal content dynamic_padding: true # Disable border and title bar decorations: none env: TERM: xterm-256color font: normal: family: Hack Nerd Font style: Regular bold: family: Hack Nerd Font style: Bold italic: family: Hack Nerd Font style: Italic # Point size of the font size: 10 mouse: hide_when_typing: true selection: # When set to `true`, selected text will be copied to the primary # clipboard. save_to_clipboard: true cursor: style: blinking: Always # Thickness of the cursor (number from `0.0` to `1.0`) thickness: 0.18 # Vi mode cursor style vi_mode_style: Block # Blink Interval blink_interval: 400 ########################################################### # Themes # ########################################################### schemes: # For themes -> https://github.com/aarowill/base16-alacritty # Base16 Monokai 256 - alacritty color config # Wimer Hazenberg (http://www.monokai.nl) monokai: &monokai # Default colors primary: background: '0x2d2a2e' foreground: '0xf8f8f2' # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true cursor: text: '0x272822' cursor: '0xf8f8f2' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x272822' red: '0xf92672' green: '0xa6e22e' yellow: '0xf4bf75' blue: '0x66d9ef' magenta: '0xae81ff' cyan: '0xa1efe4' white: '0xf8f8f2' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x75715e' red: '0xf92672' green: '0xa6e22e' yellow: '0xf4bf75' blue: '0x66d9ef' magenta: '0xae81ff' cyan: '0xa1efe4' white: '0xf9f8f5' indexed_colors: - { index: 16, color: '0xfd971f' } - { index: 17, color: '0xcc6633' } - { index: 18, color: '0x383830' } - { index: 19, color: '0x49483e' } - { index: 20, color: '0xa59f85' } - { index: 21, color: '0xf5f4f1' } # Base16 Gruvbox dark, medium 256 - alacritty color config # Dawid Kurek (dawikur@gmail.com), morhetz (https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox) gruvbox: &gruvbox # Default colors primary: background: '0x282828' foreground: '0xd5c4a1' # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true cursor: text: '0x282828' cursor: '0xd5c4a1' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x282828' red: '0xfb4934' green: '0xb8bb26' yellow: '0xfabd2f' blue: '0x83a598' magenta: '0xd3869b' cyan: '0x8ec07c' white: '0xd5c4a1' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x665c54' red: '0xfb4934' green: '0xb8bb26' yellow: '0xfabd2f' blue: '0x83a598' magenta: '0xd3869b' cyan: '0x8ec07c' white: '0xfbf1c7' indexed_colors: - { index: 16, color: '0xfe8019' } - { index: 17, color: '0xd65d0e' } - { index: 18, color: '0x3c3836' } - { index: 19, color: '0x504945' } - { index: 20, color: '0xbdae93' } - { index: 21, color: '0xebdbb2' } # Base16 Tomorrow Night - alacritty color config # Chris Kempson (http://chriskempson.com) tomorrow-night: &tomorrow-night # Default colors primary: background: '0x1d1f21' foreground: '0xc5c8c6' # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true cursor: text: '0x1d1f21' cursor: '0xc5c8c6' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x1d1f21' red: '0xcc6666' green: '0xb5bd68' yellow: '0xf0c674' blue: '0x81a2be' magenta: '0xb294bb' cyan: '0x8abeb7' white: '0xc5c8c6' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x969896' red: '0xcc6666' green: '0xb5bd68' yellow: '0xf0c674' blue: '0x81a2be' magenta: '0xb294bb' cyan: '0x8abeb7' white: '0xffffff' indexed_colors: - { index: 16, color: '0xde935f' } - { index: 17, color: '0xa3685a' } - { index: 18, color: '0x282a2e' } - { index: 19, color: '0x373b41' } - { index: 20, color: '0xb4b7b4' } - { index: 21, color: '0xe0e0e0' } # Base16 Dracula 256 - alacritty color config # Mike Barkmin (http://github.com/mikebarkmin) based on Dracula Theme (http://github.com/dracula) dracula: &drakula # Default colors primary: background: '0x282936' foreground: '0xe9e9f4' # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true cursor: text: '0x282936' cursor: '0xe9e9f4' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x282936' red: '0xea51b2' green: '0xebff87' yellow: '0x00f769' blue: '0x62d6e8' magenta: '0xb45bcf' cyan: '0xa1efe4' white: '0xe9e9f4' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x626483' red: '0xea51b2' green: '0xebff87' yellow: '0x00f769' blue: '0x62d6e8' magenta: '0xb45bcf' cyan: '0xa1efe4' white: '0xf7f7fb' indexed_colors: - { index: 16, color: '0xb45bcf' } - { index: 17, color: '0x00f769' } - { index: 18, color: '0x3a3c4e' } - { index: 19, color: '0x4d4f68' } - { index: 20, color: '0x62d6e8' } - { index: 21, color: '0xf1f2f8' } # Base16 OneDark 256 - alacritty color config # Lalit Magant (http://github.com/tilal6991) onedark: &onedark # Default colors primary: background: '0x282c34' foreground: '0xabb2bf' # Colors the cursor will use if `custom_cursor_colors` is true cursor: text: '0x282c34' cursor: '0xabb2bf' # Normal colors normal: black: '0x282c34' red: '0xe06c75' green: '0x98c379' yellow: '0xe5c07b' blue: '0x61afef' magenta: '0xc678dd' cyan: '0x56b6c2' white: '0xabb2bf' # Bright colors bright: black: '0x545862' red: '0xe06c75' green: '0x98c379' yellow: '0xe5c07b' blue: '0x61afef' magenta: '0xc678dd' cyan: '0x56b6c2' white: '0xc8ccd4' indexed_colors: - { index: 16, color: '0xd19a66' } - { index: 17, color: '0xbe5046' } - { index: 18, color: '0x353b45' } - { index: 19, color: '0x3e4451' } - { index: 20, color: '0x565c64' } - { index: 21, color: '0xb6bdca' } # Copyright (c) 2017-present Arctic Ice Studio # Copyright (c) 2017-present Sven Greb # Project: Nord Alacritty # Version: 0.1.0 # Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-alacritty # License: MIT # References: # https://github.com/alacritty/alacritty nord: &nord primary: background: '#2e3440' foreground: '#d8dee9' dim_foreground: '#a5abb6' cursor: text: '#2e3440' cursor: '#d8dee9' vi_mode_cursor: text: '#2e3440' cursor: '#d8dee9' selection: text: CellForeground background: '#4c566a' search: matches: foreground: CellBackground background: '#88c0d0' bar: background: '#434c5e' foreground: '#d8dee9' normal: black: '#3b4252' red: '#bf616a' green: '#a3be8c' yellow: '#ebcb8b' blue: '#81a1c1' magenta: '#b48ead' cyan: '#88c0d0' white: '#e5e9f0' bright: black: '#4c566a' red: '#bf616a' green: '#a3be8c' yellow: '#ebcb8b' blue: '#81a1c1' magenta: '#b48ead' cyan: '#8fbcbb' white: '#eceff4' dim: black: '#373e4d' red: '#94545d' green: '#809575' yellow: '#b29e75' blue: '#68809a' magenta: '#8c738c' cyan: '#6d96a5' white: '#aeb3bb' draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors: true colors: *nord