-- -- setup some plugins -- -- NvimTree empty setup using defaults local tree_status_ok, tree = pcall(require, "nvim-tree") if tree_status_ok then tree.setup() end -- Symbols outline local symbols_status_ok, symbols = pcall(require, "symbols-outline") if symbols_status_ok then symbols.setup() end -- Git signs (Gutter) local gitsigns_status_ok, gitsigns = pcall(require, "gitsigns") if gitsigns_status_ok then gitsigns.setup { current_line_blame = true, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame` current_line_blame_opts = { virt_text = true, virt_text_pos = 'eol', -- 'eol' | 'overlay' | 'right_align' delay = 1000, ignore_whitespace = false, }, current_line_blame_formatter = '[] , - ', } end -- Telescope local _, _ = pcall(require, "telescope.builtin") -- Autopairs local autopairs_status_ok, autopairs = pcall(require, "nvim-autopairs") if autopairs_status_ok then autopairs.setup {} end -- Catppuccin colors local catppuccin_status_ok, catppuccin = pcall(require, "catppuccin") if catppuccin_status_ok then catppuccin.setup { } end -- Debugger local neodev_ok, neodev = pcall(require, "neodev") local dapui_ok, dapui = pcall(require, "dapui") local dap_virt_txt_ok, dap_virt_txt = pcall(require, "nvim-dap-virtual-text") local mason_dap_ok, mason_dap = pcall(require, "mason-nvim-dap") local dapgo_ok, dapgo = pcall(require, "dap-go") local dap_python_ok, dap_python = pcall(require, "dap-python") if dapui_ok then dapui.setup() end if neodev_ok then neodev.setup({ library = { plugins = { "nvim-dap-ui" }, types = true }, }) end if dap_virt_txt_ok then dap_virt_txt.setup() end if mason_dap_ok then mason_dap.setup { handlers = {}, -- sets up dap in the predefined manner } end if dapgo_ok then dapgo.setup() end if dap_python_ok then dap_python.setup("python") end -- end debugger -- -- notifications local notify_ok, notify = pcall(require, "notify") if notify_ok then vim.notify = notify end local harpoon_ok, harpoon = pcall(require, "harpoon") if harpoon_ok then harpoon.setup({ settings = { save_on_toggle = false, sync_on_ui_close = true, } }) end local codestats_ok, codestats = pcall(require, "codestats") if codestats_ok then local key = os.getenv("CODESTATS_API_KEY") or "" if key ~= "" then codestats.setup { username = 'goomba', -- needed to fetch profile data base_url = 'https://codestats.net', -- codestats.net base url api_key = key, send_on_exit = true, -- send xp on nvim exit send_on_timer = true, -- send xp on timer timer_interval = 60000, -- timer interval in milliseconds (minimum 1000ms to prevent DDoSing codestat.net servers) curl_timeout = 5, -- curl request timeout in seconds } else print("Missing codestats API key... If you want to use CodeStats. Please set CODESTATS_API_KEY env var") end end