layout: page
title: Download
permalink: /download/
image: /JceManager/assets/images/download.jpg
###***Please select your operating system***
####JCE Manager version 1.0.0
- Windows XP/7/8
- [Installer][winInstaller]
- [Archive][winArch]
- OSX >= 10.0.6
- 32bit ~Coming soon~
- 64bit ~Coming soon~
- Linux
- [Installer][linux]
to install (make the file executable):
{% highlight bash %}
#go to the directory of the installer
~$ cd Downloads
~/Downloads$ chmod +x ./JceManager-1.0-linux-x64.run
# now you can run the setup file
~/Downloads$ ./JceManager-1.0-linux-x64.run
{% endhighlight %}
Make sure you have qt > 4.8 on your machine.
if you have problems running *JCE Manager* please contact us.
[winInstaller]: ../assets/bin/windows/setup.exe
[winArch]: ../assets/bin/windows/jceManager.rar
[mac32]: /assets/images/os-icons/windows.jpg
[mac64]: /assets/images/os-icons/windows.jpg
[linux]: ../assets/bin/linux/JceManager-1.0-linux-x64.run