#include "jcelogin.h" /** * @brief jceLogin::jceLogin * @param username pointer to allocated user settings */ jceLogin::jceLogin(user* username) { this->recieverPage = new QString(); this->jceA = username; this->JceConnector = new jceSSLClient(); QObject::connect(JceConnector,SIGNAL(serverDisconnectedbyRemote()),this,SLOT(reValidation())); QObject::connect(JceConnector,SIGNAL(noInternetLink()),this,SLOT(reMakeConnection())); } jceLogin::~jceLogin() { this->jceA = NULL; delete recieverPage; delete JceConnector; JceConnector = NULL; recieverPage = NULL; } /** * @brief jceLogin::makeConnection Connecting to JCE student web site with JceA (username object) and validate it. * throws error upon the given error from JCE website or Socket error */ int jceLogin::makeConnection() { qDebug() << "jceLogin::makeConnection(); connection to be make"; if (this->recieverPage == NULL) this->recieverPage = new QString(); int returnMode; //gets status according to called function of validation step jceStatus status = jceStatus::JCE_NOT_CONNECTED; returnMode = checkConnection(); //checking socket status. is connected? if (returnMode == false) { if (JceConnector->makeConnect(dst_host,dst_port) == false) //couldnt make a connection return jceStatus::ERROR_ON_OPEN_SOCKET; else returnMode = true; } if (returnMode == true) //connected to host { returnMode = makeFirstVisit(); if (returnMode == true) //requst and send first validation { status = jceStatus::JCE_START_VALIDATING_PROGRESS; returnMode = checkValidation(); if (returnMode == true) //check if username and password are matching { status = jceStatus::JCE_VALIDATION_PASSED; returnMode = makeSecondVisit(); if (returnMode == true) //siging in the website { qDebug() << "jceLogin::makeConnection(); Signed in succeesfully"; status = jceStatus::JCE_YOU_ARE_IN; setLoginFlag(true); } else if (returnMode == jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_INFO) { status = jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_INFO; } else if (returnMode == jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST) { status = jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST; } else status = jceStatus::ERROR_ON_VALIDATION; } else status = jceStatus::ERROR_ON_VALIDATION; } else if (returnMode == jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_INFO) { status = jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_INFO; } else if (returnMode == jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST) { status = jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST; } else status = jceStatus::ERROR_ON_VALIDATION_USER_BLOCKED; } else status = jceStatus::JCE_NOT_CONNECTED; //we throw status even if we are IN! qDebug() << "jceLogin::makeConnection(); return status: " << status; return status; } /** * @brief jceLogin::checkConnection * @return if connected true, otherwise false */ bool jceLogin::checkConnection() const { if (JceConnector->isConnected()) return true; return false; } /** * @brief jceLogin::closeAll */ void jceLogin::closeAll() { this->JceConnector->makeDiconnect(); if ((this->recieverPage != NULL) && (!this->recieverPage->isEmpty())) { delete recieverPage; recieverPage = NULL; } } /** * @brief jceLogin::reMakeConnection */ void jceLogin::reMakeConnection() { if (this->JceConnector != NULL) delete JceConnector; if (this->recieverPage != NULL) delete recieverPage; recieverPage = NULL; JceConnector = NULL; this->recieverPage = new QString(); this->JceConnector = new jceSSLClient(); QObject::connect(JceConnector,SIGNAL(serverDisconnectedbyRemote()),this,SLOT(reValidation())); QObject::connect(JceConnector,SIGNAL(noInternetLink()),this,SLOT(reMakeConnection())); emit connectionReadyAfterDisconnection(); } /** * @brief jceLogin::makeFirstVisit making the first validation step of jce student portal login * @return jceLogin enum list on error, true if valid */ int jceLogin::makeFirstVisit() { QString usr = jceA->getUsername(); QString psw = jceA->getPassword(); if (JceConnector->sendData(jceLoginHtmlScripts::makeRequest(jceLoginHtmlScripts::getFirstValidationStep(*jceA)))) { if (!JceConnector->recieveData(*recieverPage,true)) return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_INFO; } else return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST; return true; } /** * @brief jceLogin::makeSecondVisit making the second validation step of jce student portal login * @return jceLogin enum list on error, true if valid */ int jceLogin::makeSecondVisit() { QString usrid=jceA->getUserID(); QString pswid=jceA->getHashedPassword(); if ((JceConnector->sendData(jceLoginHtmlScripts::makeRequest(jceLoginHtmlScripts::getSecondValidationStep(*jceA))))) { if (!(JceConnector->recieveData(*recieverPage,true))) return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_INFO; return true; } else return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST; return true; } /** * @brief jceLogin::getCalendar according to parameters, we make an HTML request and send it over socket to server * @param year - selected year * @param semester - selected semester * @return true if ok, jceLogin enum on error (recieverPage has html to parse if true) */ int jceLogin::getCalendar(int year, int semester) { if ((JceConnector->sendData(jceLoginHtmlScripts::makeRequest(jceLoginHtmlScripts::getCalendar(*jceA,year,semester))))) { if (!(JceConnector->recieveData(*recieverPage,false))) return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_GRADES; else return jceLogin::JCE_GRADE_PAGE_PASSED; } else return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST; return true; } /** * @brief jceLogin::getGrades according to parameters, we make an HTML request and send it over socket to server * @param fromYear - from year * @param toYear - to year * @param fromSemester - from semester * @param toSemester - to semester * @return true if ok, jceLogin enum on error (recieverPage has html to parse if true) */ int jceLogin::getGrades(int fromYear, int toYear, int fromSemester, int toSemester) { if ((JceConnector->sendData(jceLoginHtmlScripts::makeRequest(jceLoginHtmlScripts::getGradesPath(*jceA,fromYear, toYear, fromSemester, toSemester))))) { if (!(JceConnector->recieveData(*recieverPage,false))) return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_GETTING_GRADES; else return jceLogin::JCE_GRADE_PAGE_PASSED; } else return jceLogin::ERROR_ON_SEND_REQUEST; return true; } /** * @brief jceLogin::checkValidation Made by Nadav Luzzato * @return true if second validation step is right */ bool jceLogin::checkValidation() { //finds the hashed password QString constUserID_TAG = "value=\"-N"; QString constHassID_TAG = "-A,-N"; QString hasspass,hassid; std::size_t hasspass_position1,hasspass_position2; std::size_t id_position1,id_position2; hasspass_position1 = this->recieverPage->toStdString().find(constHassID_TAG.toStdString()); //looking for hasspass index if (hasspass_position1 == std::string::npos) //didnt find the tag return false; else hasspass_position1 += constHassID_TAG.length(); //skip the index of tag hasspass_position2 = this->recieverPage->toStdString().find(",-A,-A", hasspass_position1); //finds the hass pass if (hasspass_position2 != std::string::npos) //found the hasspass! storing it hasspass = recieverPage->mid(hasspass_position1,hasspass_position2-hasspass_position1); else return false; //finds the user id id_position1 = this->recieverPage->toStdString().find(constUserID_TAG.toStdString(), 0); //looking for hassid index if (id_position1 == std::string::npos) //didnt find the tag return false; else id_position1 += constUserID_TAG.length(); //skip the index of tag id_position2 = this->recieverPage->toStdString().find(",-A", id_position1); if (id_position2 != std::string::npos) //found the hassid! storing it hassid = recieverPage->mid(id_position1,id_position2-id_position1); else return false; //setting user information with given data hassid and hasspass jceA->setHashedPassword(hasspass); jceA->setUserID(hassid); qDebug() << "jceLogin::checkValidation(); Found Hashed: " << hasspass << "And ID: " << hassid; return true; } /** * @brief jceLogin::setLoginFlag * @param x */ void jceLogin::setLoginFlag(bool x) { this->loginFlag = x; } /** * @brief jceLogin::isLoginFlag checking if there is a connection, if true - > return if we signed in. otherwise, return not (not connected dough) * @return */ bool jceLogin::isLoginFlag() const { if (checkConnection()) return this->loginFlag; return false; } /** * @brief jceLogin::getPage * @return html page */ QString jceLogin::getPage() { return *recieverPage; } void jceLogin::reValidation() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Revalidating user"; if (makeFirstVisit() == true) { if (checkValidation()) { if (makeSecondVisit() == true) qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Validated"; else qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Second visit finished with an error"; } else qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "checking validation ended with an error"; } else { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Couldnt Validate User"; } }