#include "savedata.h" /** * @brief This is A functions that will init the tags file. * if it exist - do nothing * if there is no file, it will create it and run the deleteData function * so tags will be set. */ SaveData::SaveData() { QFile file(FILE_NAME); if(!file.exists()) { file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text); file.close(); createDB(); save(); } else load(); } /** * @brief This will check if the is data saved ie. username and password. * the only way in JCE manager is to store a username and password together. therefore if there is * a user name in the file, so there is a password ass well. * @return true if the is a username in the file. (if not the username will be "") */ bool SaveData::isSaved() { if(DB.value("username") == "") return false; return true; } /** * @brief This void function will erase all data. QMap will be cleard and saved to the file. * data thet will be deleted: * # username * # password * # calendar * # local */ void SaveData::reset() { DB.clear(); createDB(); save(); } /** * @brief gest a username and saves it into the QMap. * QMap then is saved to the file. * @param username - users username from the mainwindow ui pointer. */ void SaveData::setUsername(QString username) { DB.insert("username", username); save(); } /** * @brief gets a password, sends it to encyption, and saves the encrypter password to QMap. * saves the QMap into the file. * @param password - raw password (not encrypted) */ void SaveData::setPassword(QString password) { DB.insert("password", encrypt(password)); save(); } /** * @brief gest a calendar and saves it into the QMap. * QMap then is saved to the file. * @param cal - last calendar that user seen */ void SaveData::setCal(QString cal) { DB.insert("calendar", cal); save(); } /** * @brief gest a local and saves it into the QMap. * QMap then is saved to the file. * @param local - QString (he, en, default) */ void SaveData::setLocal(QString local) { DB.insert("local", local); save(); } /** * @brief read from file * @return - username */ QString SaveData::getUsername() { return DB.value("username"); } /** * @brief read from file * @return - unencrypted password */ QString SaveData::getPassword() { return decrypte(DB.value("password")); } /** * @brief read from file * @return local */ QString SaveData::getLocal() { return DB.value("local"); } /** * @brief read from file * @return calendar */ QString SaveData::getCal() { return DB.value("calendar"); } /** * @brief read from file the QMap object into the DB inside "this" object. */ void SaveData::load() { QFile file(FILE_NAME); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QDataStream in(&file); in >> DB; file.close(); } /** * @brief Saves the QMap to the file. overriding the content of the file. */ void SaveData::save() { QFile file(FILE_NAME); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QDataStream out(&file); out << DB; file.flush(); file.close(); } /** * @brief Creates en empty tamplate for QMap (use only on init! if there is no file.) */ void SaveData::createDB() { DB.insert("username", ""); DB.insert("password", ""); DB.insert("local", "default"); DB.insert("calendar", ""); } /** * @brief this function will connect this class to the simplecrypt class. * sends the raw password to encryption and returns the encrypted one. * @param pass - raw password. * @return encrypted password. */ QString SaveData::encrypt(QString pass) { SimpleCrypt crypto(Q_UINT64_C(0x0c2ad4a4acb9f027)); return crypto.encryptToString(pass); } /** * @brief this function will connect this class to the simplecrypt class. * sends the encrypted password to decryption and returns the raw one. * @param pass - encrypted password. * @return raw password. */ QString SaveData::decrypte(QString pass) { SimpleCrypt crypto(Q_UINT64_C(0x0c2ad4a4acb9f027)); return crypto.decryptToString(pass); }