#include "jcesslclient.h" /** * @brief jceSSLClient::jceSSLClient Constructer, setting the signals */ jceSSLClient::jceSSLClient(jceStatusBar *statusBar) : loggedIAndConnectedFlag(false), readingFlag(false), reConnectionFlag(false), networkConf(), packet(""), recieveLastPacket(false), packetSizeRecieved(0) { this->statusBar = statusBar; //setting signals connect(this,SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),this,SLOT(checkErrors(QAbstractSocket::SocketError))); connect(this,SIGNAL(connected()),this,SLOT(setConnected())); connect(this,SIGNAL(encrypted()),this,SLOT(setEncrypted())); connect(this,SIGNAL(disconnected()),this,SLOT(setDisconnected())); connect(&networkConf,SIGNAL(onlineStateChanged(bool)),this,SLOT(setOnlineState(bool))); //loop event will connect the server, and when it is connected, it will quit - but connection will be open connect(this, SIGNAL(encrypted()), &loginThreadLoop, SLOT(quit())); connect(this, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),&loginThreadLoop,SLOT(quit())); } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::makeConnect connecting to server with given port. using eventloop to assure it wont stuck the application. * @param server - server to connect to * @param port - the using port * @return - true if connected, false otherwise */ bool jceSSLClient::makeConnect(QString server, int port) { if (this->supportsSsl() == false) { qCritical() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Couldnt load ssl package. ERROR"; return false; } else qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "ssl loaded."; if (isConnectedToNetwork() == false) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "return false. not online"; return false; } else qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "we're online"; if (reConnectionFlag) //reset reconnectiong flag { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Making Reconnection"; } else qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Making Connection"; if (isConnected()) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "flag=true, calling makeDisconnect()"; makeDiconnect(); } qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Connection to: " << server << "On Port: " << port; connectToHostEncrypted(server.toStdString().c_str(), port); loginThreadLoop.exec(); //starting connection, waiting to encryption and then it ends qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "returning the connection status: " << isConnected(); if (reConnectionFlag) { reConnectionFlag = false; emit serverDisconnectedbyRemote(); } return isConnected(); } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::makeDiconnect from current server * @return the flag of connection status */ bool jceSSLClient::makeDiconnect() { if (loginThreadLoop.isRunning()) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Killing connection thread"; loginThreadLoop.exit(); } qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "disconnecting from host and emitting disconnected()"; this->disconnectFromHost(); //emits disconnected > setDisconnected setSocketState(QAbstractSocket::SocketState::UnconnectedState); return (!isConnected()); } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::isConnected connection checking * @return regardless to state, it checks if there's a connection */ bool jceSSLClient::isConnected() { bool tempFlag = false; //checking state before returning flag! if (state() == QAbstractSocket::SocketState::UnconnectedState) { tempFlag = false; } else if (state() == QAbstractSocket::SocketState::ClosingState) { tempFlag = false; } else if (state() == QAbstractSocket::SocketState::ConnectedState) { if (isConnectedToNetwork()) tempFlag = true; else { this->setSocketState(QAbstractSocket::SocketState::UnconnectedState); tempFlag = false; } } if (!isConnectedToNetwork()) //no link, ethernet\wifi tempFlag = false; return ((loggedIAndConnectedFlag) && (tempFlag)); } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::sendData - given string, send it to server * @param str - string to send * @return true if succeed and byte were written */ bool jceSSLClient::sendData(QString str) { bool sendDataFlag = false; int amount = 0; if (isConnected()) //if connected { statusBar->setIconConnectionStatus(jceStatusBar::Sending); amount = write(str.toStdString().c_str(),str.length()); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "lenght send: " << str.length() << "lenght recieved: " << amount; if (amount == -1) { qCritical() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "SendData ended with -1"; sendDataFlag = false; } else if (waitForBytesWritten()) sendDataFlag = true; } qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Sending Data status is: " << sendDataFlag; return sendDataFlag; } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::recieveData - recieving data through threaded reading and mutex * @param str - string to fill with data. * @return true if packet has recieced the last packet -> true, otherwise ->false */ bool jceSSLClient::recieveData(QString *str) { statusBar->setIconConnectionStatus(jceStatusBar::Recieving); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Data receiving!"; str->clear(); packet = ""; recieveLastPacket = false; packetSizeRecieved = 0; //counting packet size readingFlag = true; //to ignore timeout socket error timer.setSingleShot(true); //counting just once. timer.start(milisTimeOut); //if timer is timeout -> it means the connection takes long time connect(this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readIt())); //we have something to read connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &readerLoop, SLOT(quit())); //if timer timeout > exiting event readerLoop.exec(); disconnect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &readerLoop, SLOT(quit())); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readIt())); str->append(packet); // qDebug() << *str; //if you want to see the whole packet, unmark me qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "packet size: " << packetSizeRecieved << "received data lenght: " << str->length(); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "return with flag: " << recieveLastPacket; readingFlag = false; //finished reading session return recieveLastPacket; //we have the last packet } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::readIt * this method, called by a thread to read the bytes avilable by the remote server * each packet we append into the class private var 'packet' (mutexed) * if we recieve the last packet (see tags below) we set the timer of the calling function to 100msc * */ void jceSSLClient::readIt() { int packSize = bytesAvailable(); int doTimes=0; QByteArray tempPacket; do { // qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "packet size" << packSize; if (doTimes++ > 0) //for debbuging, checking thread looping times qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "do loop" << doTimes; waitForReadyRead(100); tempPacket = read(packSize); readerAppendingLocker.lock(); packetSizeRecieved += packSize; packet.append(tempPacket); packet.append("\0"); readerAppendingLocker.unlock(); emit statusBar->progressHasPacket(10); if (tempPacket.contains("Go_To_system_After_Login.htm") || tempPacket.contains("")) { //we have the last packet. (uses only in login first step recieveLastPacket = true; timer.setInterval(200); } else { //just a packet with data } }while ((packSize = bytesAvailable()) > 0); } void jceSSLClient::setOnlineState(bool isOnline) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "isOnline status change: " << isOnline; if (isOnline) //to be added later { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Online Statue has been changed. we are online"; //we can add here auto reconnect if wifi\ethernet link has appear //will be added next version } else { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Online State has been changed. emitting NoInternetLink"; this->makeDiconnect(); emit noInternetLink(); } } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::setConnected called when signaled with connected, calling the encryption function */ void jceSSLClient::setConnected() { waitForEncrypted(); } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::setDisconnected closing socket, updating state and setting flag to false */ void jceSSLClient::setDisconnected() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "connection has been DISCONNECTED"; this->setSocketState(QAbstractSocket::SocketState::UnconnectedState); packet.clear(); loggedIAndConnectedFlag = false; if (reConnectionFlag) makeConnect(); } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::setEncrypted called when signaled with encrypted. setting the buffer size and keeping alive. */ void jceSSLClient::setEncrypted() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "connection has been ENCRYPTED"; setReadBufferSize(packetSize); setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::KeepAliveOption,true); loggedIAndConnectedFlag = true; if (!isConnected()) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Connection status didnt change! reseting flag to false"; loggedIAndConnectedFlag = false; } } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::showIfErrorMsg message box to show the error occured according to socket * if relevant, we will prompt a message box to informate the user * otherwise, we will handle the error or ignore it. */ void jceSSLClient::showIfErrorMsg() { QMessageBox msgBox; SocketError enumError = error(); QString errorString; bool relevantError = false; switch (enumError) { case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::ConnectionRefusedError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("ConnectionRefusedError"); //The connection was refused by the peer (or timed out). relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::RemoteHostClosedError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("RemoteHostClosedError"); //The remote host closed the connection if (isConnectedToNetwork()) //we can reconnect { reConnectionFlag = true; } else relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::HostNotFoundError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("HostNotFoundError"); //The host address was not found. relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SocketAccessError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("SocketAccessError"); //The socket operation failed because the application lacked the required privileges. break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SocketTimeoutError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("SocketTimeoutError"); //The socket operation timed out. if (isConnected()); //ignore it if connected. else relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::NetworkError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("NetworkError"); //An error occurred with the network (e.g., the network cable was accidentally plugged out). if (isConnectedToNetwork()) //we can reconnect { } else relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SslHandshakeFailedError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("SslHandshakeFailedError"); relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SslInternalError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("SslInternalError"); relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SslInvalidUserDataError: /**/ errorString = QObject::tr("SslInvalidUserDataError"); relevantError = true; break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::DatagramTooLargeError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("DatagramTooLargeError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SocketResourceError: //not relevant to us break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::OperationError: //not relevant, except for debug errorString = QObject::tr("OperationError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::AddressInUseError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("AddressInUseError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SocketAddressNotAvailableError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("SocketAddressNotAvailableError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::UnsupportedSocketOperationError: //for very old computers, not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("UnsupportedSocketOperationError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::ProxyConnectionRefusedError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("ProxyConnectionRefusedError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::UnfinishedSocketOperationError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("UnfinishedSocketOperationError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::ProxyConnectionClosedError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("ProxyConnectionClosedError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::ProxyConnectionTimeoutError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("ProxyConnectionTimeoutError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::ProxyNotFoundError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("ProxyNotFoundError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::ProxyProtocolError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("ProxyProtocolError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::TemporaryError: //not relevant to us errorString = QObject::tr("TemporaryError"); break; case QAbstractSocket::SocketError::UnknownSocketError: //not relevant, except for debug errorString = QObject::tr("UnknownSocketError"); relevantError = true; break; } if (relevantError) //informative string to be shown { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "relevant error."; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setText(errorString); msgBox.exec(); } } /** * @brief jceSSLClient::checkErrors this function exctuing when socket error has occured * @param a includes the error enum from QAbstractSocket::SocketError enum list */ void jceSSLClient::checkErrors(QAbstractSocket::SocketError a) { //ignore this stupid error bool timeout = (a == QAbstractSocket::SocketError::SocketTimeoutError); if (!((isConnected()) && (timeout))) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "isOnline?: " << isConnectedToNetwork(); qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "state is: " << state(); qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Var Error: " << a; qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Error: " << errorString(); } else if (!readingFlag) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "isConnected?: " << isConnected() << "is timeout?" << timeout; qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "isOnline?: " << isConnectedToNetwork() << "state is: " << state(); qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Error: " << errorString(); } else { //timeout when reading } showIfErrorMsg(); } /** written by KARAN BALKAR * @brief jceSSLClient::isConnectedToNetwork * * @return */ bool jceSSLClient::isConnectedToNetwork(){ QList ifaces = QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces(); bool result = false; for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.count(); ++i) { QNetworkInterface iface = ifaces.at(i); if ( iface.flags().testFlag(QNetworkInterface::IsUp) && !iface.flags().testFlag(QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack)) for (int j=0; j < iface.addressEntries().count(); ++j) // got an interface which is up, and has an ip address if (result == false) result = true; } return result; }