--- layout: page title: About permalink: /about/ --- We thought that the A medium inspired Jekyll blog theme. The basic idea came from the Ghost theme [Readium 2.0](http://www.svenread.com/readium-ghost-theme/). I use mediator on my own blog [The Base](blog.base68.com). You can **download** the theme here: [https://github.com/dirkfabisch/mediator](https://github.com/dirkfabisch/mediator) You can find out more info about customizing your Jekyll theme, as well as basic Jekyll usage documentation at [jekyllrb.com](http://jekyllrb.com/) You can find the source code for the Jekyll new theme at: [github.com/jglovier/jekyll-new](https://github.com/jglovier/jekyll-new) You can find the source code for Jekyll at [github.com/jekyll/jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll)