#include "csv_exporter.h" /* * * Class doc can be bound in csv_exporter.h * */ CSV_Exporter::CSV_Exporter() { /* EMPTY - NO NEED */ } /** * @brief This method will generate the CSV file (Targeting google calendar import) * it will create a full Semester calendar based on the users input (@param cal) * and the @calSched wich holdes all the courses in "this" semester. * @param calSched - Holdes all the Courses and there info * @param cal - The Calendar dialog witch holdes the starting date and the eand date. * @return - True if *all* went well, false if something on the way went wrong. */ bool CSV_Exporter::exportCalendar(calendarSchedule *calSched, CalendarDialog *cal) { if ((cal == NULL) || (calSched == NULL)) //pointers checking! return false; if (calSched->getCourses() == NULL) return false; qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Getting path for csv file from user..."; QString filePath = getFileFath(); if(filePath == NULL) //User canceled from the file explorer popup { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "CSV : User pressed Cancel... returning false"; return false; } qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "CSV : User Chose: " << filePath; qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "CSV : Atempting to export the Schedule..."; QFile file(filePath); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate)) //Incase unable to open the file (binary mode - \n will not be converted on "Windows") { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText(QObject::tr("Unable to open or create the file.\nExporting Failed")); msgBox.exec(); qCritical() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "unable to open/create the file... maybe permissions error."; return false; } QTextStream out(&file); //The output streem. out.setCodec("UTF-8"); //Unicode 8 out << CSV_CALENDAR_HEADER << "\n"; // macro in header file for (calendarCourse *coursePtr: *(calSched->getCourses())) //main loop - running though all courses { // Getting course info - store in vars for easy access int day = coursePtr->getDay(); int startH = coursePtr->getHourBegin(); int startM = coursePtr->getMinutesBegin(); int endH = coursePtr->getHourEnd(); int endM = coursePtr->getMinutesEnd(); QString lecturer = coursePtr->getLecturer(); QString type = coursePtr->getType(); QString name = coursePtr->getName(); QString room = coursePtr->getRoom(); QDate currentDate = cal->getStartDate(); // currentDate will iterate throuh the semester int firstDayOfSemester = currentDate.dayOfWeek(); //Returns the weekday (1 = Monday to 7 = Sunday) for this date. changeDayNumberFromQtToNormal(&firstDayOfSemester); //Get sync with our day numbers. /* * these 6 lines will get the right day for the starting poin in a * semester for eatch course. */ if(day > firstDayOfSemester) currentDate = currentDate.addDays(day-firstDayOfSemester); //add the gap else if(day < firstDayOfSemester) currentDate = currentDate.addDays(6); //move a week nius one day else// == currentDate = currentDate; //just for clearaty /* * secondary loop - We have course info and starting day. * evrey loop enterence we add the course and moving one week forward. */ for(;currentDate <= cal->getEndDate(); currentDate = currentDate.addDays(7)) { QString line = makeLine(name, ¤tDate, startH, startM, endH, endM, lecturer, room, type); if(line != NULL) out << line << char(0x0A); else qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "CSV : Got A NULL in Line! in function: " << Q_FUNC_INFO; } out.flush(); } file.close(); qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "CSV : Exported Successfully"; return true; } /** * @brief Get the file path according to user via a file explorer dialog * @return - QString: the file path. */ QString CSV_Exporter::getFileFath() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(); if (fileName == "") return NULL; if (!fileName.contains(".csv", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) fileName.append(".csv"); return fileName; } /** * @brief Returning a CSV formated ling in QString. * @param name * @param date * @param startH * @param startM - Not used at the moment. * @param endH * @param endM * @param lecturer * @param room * @param type * @return a CSV formated ling in QString. */ QString CSV_Exporter::makeLine(QString name, QDate *date, int startH, int startM, int endH, int endM, QString lecturer, QString room, QString type) { //Creating a CSV text line for Google Calendar/iCal/Outlook QString CSV_line = ""; QString subject = "\""; subject.append(name); subject.append(" - "); subject.append(type); subject.append("\""); QString dateStr = date->toString("MM/dd/yyyy"); QString start; start.append(QString::number(startH)); start.append(":00"); // start.append(QString::number(startM)); start.append(":00"); QString end; end.append(QString::number(endH)); end.append(":"); end.append(QString::number(endM)); end.append(":00"); QString description = "\"מרצה "; if (lecturer == LECTURER_DEFAULT_STRING) description.append("טרם נקבע מרצה או מתרגל"); else description.append(lecturer); description.append("\n"); if (room == ROOM_DEFAULT_STRING) description.append("טרם נקבע מיקום"); else { description.append(" ב"); description.append(room); } description.append("\n Created with JCE Manager.\""); //Create the Fucking Line //Header: Subject,Start Date,Start Time,End Date,End Time,Description,Location CSV_line.append(subject); CSV_line.append(","); CSV_line.append(dateStr); CSV_line.append(","); CSV_line.append(start); CSV_line.append(","); CSV_line.append(dateStr); CSV_line.append(","); CSV_line.append(end); CSV_line.append(","); CSV_line.append(description); CSV_line.append(","); CSV_line.append("\"JCE Jerusalem\""); return CSV_line; } /** * @brief The QDate.dayOfWeek() returns an integer as follows (Sunday = 7, monday = 1... Friday = 5) * This method will make that return integer more uderstandble and easy to use with the Calander classes of * JCE Manager. so Sunday = 1, Monday = 2 and so on... * * @param QtDay - A Qt dayOfWeek integer pointer. it will cange his value. */ void CSV_Exporter::changeDayNumberFromQtToNormal(int *QtDay) { switch(*QtDay){ case 7: *QtDay = SUNDAY; break; case 1: *QtDay = MONDAY; break; case 2: *QtDay = TUESDAY; break; case 3: *QtDay = WENDSDAY; break; case 4: *QtDay = THURSDAY; break; case 5: *QtDay = FRIDAY; break; default: *QtDay = 7; break; } return; //Done. }