#include "GradePage.h" GradePage::GradePage(std::string html) : Page(html) { courses = new std::list(); tempHtml = getString(); genList(); } GradePage::~GradePage() { for(Course* c : *courses) delete c; delete courses; } void GradePage::genList() { this->tempHtml = tokenToLines( this->tempHtml , INFO_DATA_LINES_BEFORE_GRADES_DATA ); coursesListInit(this->tempHtml); } void GradePage::addCourse(Course *a) { GradePage::courses->push_back(a); return; } void GradePage::removeCourse(std::string courseSerialID) { for(Course* c : *courses) { if (c->getSerialNum() == stoi(courseSerialID)) { courses->remove(c); delete c; return; } } } void GradePage::coursesListInit(std::string& linesTokinzedString) { std::list stringHolder; std::string temp; Course* cTemp = NULL; char* tok; char* textToTok = strdup(linesTokinzedString.c_str()); tok = strtok(textToTok,"\n"); while (tok != NULL) { temp = tok; stringHolder.push_back(temp); tok = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } for(std::string temp: stringHolder) { cTemp = lineToCourse(temp); if (cTemp != NULL) addCourse(cTemp); } } std::string GradePage::tokenToLines(std::string& textToPhrase,int fromLine) { int ctr = 0; std::string temp = ""; char *tok; char* textToTok = strdup(textToPhrase.c_str()); tok = strtok(textToTok, "\n"); while(tok != NULL) { //amount of data before the actual needed data and no empty lines if ((ctr >= fromLine) && (strcmp(tok," \t ") != 0)) { temp += tok; temp += "\n"; } ctr++; tok = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } return temp; } Course* GradePage::lineToCourse(std::string line) { Course *tempC = NULL; std::string templinearray[COURSE_FIELDS];//[serial,name,type,points,hours,grade,additions] int serial; double points,hours,grade; std::string name,type, additions; std::string tempS = ""; int i = 0; char* tok; char* cLine = strdup(line.c_str()); tok = strtok(cLine, "\t"); while(tok != NULL) { tempS = tok; if (i == 1) //skip the tokenizing loop just once { tempS = ""; char *tokTemp; tokTemp = tok; while (!(isdigit((int)*tokTemp))) tokTemp++; while (isdigit((int)*tokTemp)) { tempS += *tokTemp; tokTemp++; } templinearray[i-1] = tempS; templinearray[i] = tokTemp; } else if (i > 1) templinearray[i] = tempS; i++; tok=strtok(NULL, "\t"); } if (templinearray[0] == "") //empty phrasing return NULL; serial = stoi(templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::SERIAL]); name = templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::NAME]; type = templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::TYPE]; points = stod(templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::POINTS]); hours = stod(templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::HOURS]); if (isGradedYet(templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::GRADE])) grade = stod(templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::GRADE]); else grade = NO_GRADE_YET; additions = templinearray[Course::CourseScheme::ADDITION]; tempC = new Course(serial,name,type,points,hours,grade,additions); return tempC; } //checking if one of the chars inside grade is not a number bool GradePage::isGradedYet(std::string grade) { if (strlen(grade.c_str()) <= 1) return false; for (char c: grade) { if (c == '\0') break; if (((!isdigit((int)c)) && (!isspace((int)c)))) //48 = 0, 57 = 9 return false; } return true; } double GradePage::getAvg() { double avg = 0; double points = 0; for(Course* c : *courses) { if ((c->getGrade() != 0)) { avg += c->getGrade() * c->getPoints(); points += c->getPoints(); } } avg /= points; return avg; }