#ifndef JCESSLCLIENT_H #define JCESSLCLIENT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "./main/jceWidgets/jcestatusbar.h" #define packetSize 4096 //4k #define milisTimeOut 5000 //4 seconds class jceSSLClient : public QSslSocket { Q_OBJECT public: jceSSLClient(jceStatusBar *progressbarPtr); bool makeConnect(QString server = "yedion.jce.ac.il", int port = 443); bool makeDiconnect(); bool isConnected(); bool sendData(QString str); bool recieveData(QString *str); void showIfErrorMsg(); signals: void serverDisconnectedbyRemote(); void noInternetLink(); void socketDisconnected(); private slots: void checkErrors(QAbstractSocket::SocketError a); void setConnected(); void setEncrypted(); void setDisconnected(); void readIt(); void setOnlineState(bool isOnline); private: bool isConnectedToNetwork(); //checking if online bool loggedIAndConnectedFlag; bool readingFlag; bool reConnectionFlag; //used for remote host disconnecting QNetworkConfigurationManager networkConf; //checking if online QString packet; bool recieveLastPacket; int packetSizeRecieved; QEventLoop loginThreadLoop; //handle the connection as thread QEventLoop readerLoop; QMutex readerAppendingLocker; //locking packet when appending QTimer timer; //uses to check if reading has reached its timeout jceStatusBar *progressBar; //progressbar pointer }; #endif // JCESSLCLIENT_H