# Build settings markdown: redcarpet highlighter: pygments # Site settings title: "JCE Manager" description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "email:" Free Your Academic Data url: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site fullurl: http://liranbg.github.io/JceManager baseurl: /JceManager email: sagidayan@gmail.com #blog logo logo: "/JceManager/assets/images/logo.png" # blog cover cover: "/JceManager/assets/images/background_image.jpg" name: 'JCE Manager' author: 'JCE Manager Teem' author_image: "/JceManager/assets/images/author.jpg" paginate: 5 # social icons and sharing options social: # - icon: twitter # url: https://twitter.com/dirkfabisch # desc: Follow me on twitter # share_url: http://twitter.com/share # share_title: ?text= # share_link: "&url=" # - icon: facebook # url: https://facebook.com/??? # desc: Connect with me facebook # share_url: //www.facebook.com/sharer.php # share_title: ?t= # share_link: "&u=" - icon: github url: https://github.com/liranbg/JceManager desc: Fork me on github! share_url: share_title: share_link: # - icon: google-plus # url: https://google.com/??? # desc: Add me on google+ # share_url: # share_title: # share_link: # # Members information. Shown on About page. members: - name: Liran Ben Gida position: Project Manager text: "After two semesters and 12 courses, I was thinking why can't I see my AVG on each single semester? Why do I need to calculate 12 different courses to know if I have to take another exam to raise my average. These thoughts translated into code in a month,And after Sagi joined me, with his driven, I turned my though into a real project." img: liran.jpg social: - title: envelope #use for email address url: mailto:liranbg@gmail.com tooltip: e-mail - title: facebook url: https://www.facebook.com/liranbg tooltip: Facebook Profile - title: github url: http://www.github.com/liranbg tooltip: github Profile - name: Sagi Dayan position: Developer And Website Maintainer text: "I just wanted to get my Semester into my Google account in one click. After a 10 min break between classes Liran & I thought it might be cool to join forces. After tow mothes we got a CLI program, and it got us evan hungriear. This Project will be our little baby, And Baybies need to grow..." img: sagi.jpg social: - title: envelope #use for email address url: mailto:sagidayan@gmail.com tooltip: e-mail - title: linkedin url: http://lnkd.in/dFXupGn tooltip: Linkedin Profile - title: github tooltip: github profile url: http://www.github.com/sagidayan - title: google-plus url: https://plus.google.com/+SagiDayan tooltip: Google+ Profile