package com.sagi.dayan.Games.Elements; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Utils.Utils; /** * represents an enemy ship */ public class EnemyShip extends AnimatedSprite { protected int currentStep; protected double stepDelay, fireDelay; protected long lastFireTime, lastStepTime; protected int[] moveVector; protected Wave wave; protected int hitsToDestroy; protected boolean isDone; protected long startExploded; public EnemyShip(int x, int y, int w, int h, int acc, String imgName, double angle, int sWidth, int sHeight,double fireDelay, double stepDelay, Wave wave, int[] moveVector,int numOfFirstFrames, int hitsToDestroy) { super(x, y, w, h, acc, imgName, angle, sWidth, sHeight, numOfFirstFrames); this.fireDelay = fireDelay; this.stepDelay = stepDelay; this.currentStep = 0; this.lastFireTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastStepTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.moveVector = moveVector; this.wave = wave; this.hitsToDestroy = hitsToDestroy; } //add enemy ship and blast animation @Override protected void initFirstAnimation(String spriteSheet, int numOfFirstFrames) { if(imageName == "L1-ES2.png"){ animations.add(new Animation(imageName, numOfFirstFrames, 100)); }else { animations.add(new Animation(imageName, numOfFirstFrames, 300)); } } @Override public void update() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(currentAnimation == 1){ if(now - startExploded >= 500){ isDone = true; } } if(now - lastFireTime >= fireDelay*1000){ wave.fireFromEnemy(this); lastFireTime = now; } if(now - lastStepTime >= stepDelay*1000 && currentStep < moveVector.length - 1){ currentStep++; lastStepTime = now; } locX += acceleration * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(moveVector[currentStep])); locY -= acceleration * -1* Math.sin(Math.toRadians(moveVector[currentStep])); } //when enemy gets hit- lower life and set explosion sound if dead public void gotHit() { hitsToDestroy--; if(hitsToDestroy == 0){ startExploded = System.currentTimeMillis(); animations.add(new Animation("explosion.png", 16, 500)); currentAnimation++; Utils.playSound("enemy_exp.wav"); } } public boolean isDead() { return hitsToDestroy <= 0; } public boolean isDone(){ return isDone; } }