package com.sagi.dayan.Games.Engine; /** * Created by sagi on 2/8/16. */ import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontFormatException; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Stage.*; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Stage.MainMenuScene; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Stage.Scene; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Stage.SettingsMenuScene; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Stage.Stage; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Utils.Utils; import com.sagi.dayan.Games.Utils.WaveConfigs; /** * this class is the game engine * it updates and renders the current scene (i.e. start menu, stages etc.) */ public class GameEngine { private final int CREDIT_TIME = 10, FULL_HEALTH = 100; //timeout for credits public boolean gameOn , gameOver, isFirstGame; //flags to determine game state private JFrame frame; private int pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers; //panel dimensions private Random r; private Stage stage; private Scene scene; private int p1CreditTime, p2CreditTime, creditTickTime = 1; public static final int PLAYER_WIDTH = 120, PLAYER_HEIGHT = 120; //player 1 & 2 controls public static final int UP=0,RIGHT=1,DOWN=2, LEFT=3, FIRE=4, USE_CREDIT=5; private int[] p1Controlles = {KeyEvent.VK_UP, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, KeyEvent.VK_K, KeyEvent.VK_J}; private int[] p2Controlles = {KeyEvent.VK_W, KeyEvent.VK_D, KeyEvent.VK_S, KeyEvent.VK_A, KeyEvent.VK_Q, KeyEvent.VK_Z}; private int p1Lives, p2Lives, p1Health, p2Health, credits, p1Score, p2Score; public int p1HighScore, p2HighScore; private long lastP1CreditTick, lastP2CreditTick; private Font gameFont; private WaveConfigs waveConfigs; private int currentLevel; public GameEngine(int width, int height, Stage stage){ p1HighScore = p2HighScore = 0; this.isFirstGame = true; this.gameOver = true; this.pWidth = width; this.pHeight = height; this.stage = stage; currentLevel = -1; goToMenu(); r = new Random(); try{ gameFont = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT,Utils.getFontStream("transformers.ttf")); } catch (FontFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); gameFont = null; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); gameFont = null; } this.waveConfigs = new WaveConfigs(); startNewGame(); //initialize a new game } //reset player health to full health private void resetPlayerHealth(int i){ if (i==0){ p1Health = FULL_HEALTH; } else{ p2Health = FULL_HEALTH; } } /** * initialize and reset vars and timers to "new game" configuration. */ private void startNewGame(){ this.gameOn = true; this.currentLevel = -1; initGame(); } /** * Setup all actors in the game to a new game - reset timer */ private void initGame(){ resetPlayerHealth(0); resetPlayerHealth(1); p1Score = p2Score = 0; credits = 3; p1Lives = 3; p2Lives = 3; } public int getP1CreditTime() { return p1CreditTime; } public int getP2CreditTime() { return p2CreditTime; } public WaveConfigs getWaveConfigs() { return waveConfigs; } /** * returns gameOver flag * @return * boolean */ public boolean isGameOver(){ return this.gameOver; } /** * Update all scenes */ public void update(){ long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(now - lastP1CreditTick >= creditTickTime * 1000){ p1CreditTime--; lastP1CreditTick = now; } if(now - lastP2CreditTick >= creditTickTime * 1000){ p2CreditTime--; lastP2CreditTick = now; } scene.update(); } public void render(JPanel p) { scene.render(p); } public BufferedImage getScene() { return scene.getSceneImage(); } //initializes a new game public void startGame(int numOfPlayers){ this.numOfPlayers = numOfPlayers; startNewGame(); changeLevel(); } //move to next level (scene) and attach listeners public void changeLevel(){ currentLevel++; stage.removeMouseListener(scene); stage.removeKeyListener(scene); switch (currentLevel){ case 0: scene = new FirstStage(pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers, this, "-= STAGE 1.0 =-", new int[]{5, 5}); break; case 1: scene = new SecondStage(pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers, this, "-= STAGE 2.0 =-", new int[]{5, 5,5}); break; case 2: scene = new ThirdStage(pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers, this, "-= STAGE 3.0 =-", new int[]{5, 0,2,8}); break; case 3: scene = new FourthStage(pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers, this, "-= STAGE 4.0 =-", new int[]{5, 0,0,7}); break; case 4: scene = new FifthStage(pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers, this, "-= STAGE 5.0 =-", new int[]{5, 1,3,8, 10, 10}); break; case 5: scene = new SixthStage(pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers, this, "-= STAGE 6.0 =-", new int[]{5, 0,0,0, 0, 0, 10, 20}); break; case 6: scene = new BlitzStage(pWidth, pHeight, numOfPlayers, this, "-= BLITZ STAGE =-", new int[]{5, 0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); break; } stage.addKeyListener(scene); stage.addMouseListener(scene); } //load controls menu public void goToSettings() { stage.removeMouseListener(scene); stage.removeKeyListener(scene); scene = new SettingsMenuScene(pWidth, pHeight, this); stage.addKeyListener(scene); stage.addMouseListener(scene); } public int[] getP1Controlles(){ return p1Controlles; } public int[] getP2Controlles(){ return p2Controlles; } public Font getGameFont() { return gameFont; } public int getP1Lives() { return p1Lives; } public int getP2Lives() { return p2Lives; } public int getP1Health() { return p1Health; } public int getP2Health() { return p2Health; } public int getP1Score() { return p1Score; } public int getP2Score() { return p2Score; } public int getCredits() {return credits;} public void useCredit(){ credits--; } //when a player uses a credit - reset health, lives and consume credit public void revivePlayer(int i) { useCredit(); if(i==0){ p1Health=100; p1Lives =3; } else{ p2Health=100; p2Lives =3; } } //add score to the correct player public void setScore(int i, int score) { if (i == 0) { p1Score += score; } else { p2Score += score; } } // if a player gets hit - consume health //if health is 0 - consume life public void setPlayerHealth(int i, int strike) { if (i == 0) { p1Health += strike; if(p1Health <= 0){ p1Lives--; if(p1Lives > 0) resetPlayerHealth(i); if(p1Lives <= 0){ p1CreditTime = 10; lastP1CreditTick = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } else { p2Health += strike; if(p2Health <= 0){ p2Lives--; if(p2Lives > 0) resetPlayerHealth(i); if(p2Health <= 0){ p2CreditTime = 10; lastP2CreditTick = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } } } //go to main menu public void goToMenu(){ stage.removeMouseListener(scene); stage.removeKeyListener(scene); scene = new MainMenuScene(pWidth, pHeight, this); stage.addKeyListener(scene); stage.addMouseListener(scene); } public void setGameOver(boolean gameOver) { if(gameOver){ goToMenu(); this.gameOver = true; } } public int getP1HighScore() { return p1HighScore; } public void setP1HighScore(int p1HighScore) { this.p1HighScore = p1HighScore; } public int getP2HighScore() { return p2HighScore; } public void setP2HighScore(int p2HighScore) { this.p2HighScore = p2HighScore; } }