"use strict"; var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) { return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod }; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); require('dotenv').config(); const axios_1 = __importDefault(require("axios")); const node_html_parser_1 = require("node-html-parser"); const moment_1 = __importDefault(require("moment")); // require // This calss will be the game source. // search for upcomming games class GameSource { async getGamesFromHaifa() { const sourceUrl = `https://mhaifafc.com/games?lang=en`; const result = await axios_1.default.get(sourceUrl); const parsedResult = (0, node_html_parser_1.parse)(result.data.toString()); const gameBoxs = parsedResult.querySelectorAll(".game-box"); const games = []; for (let gameBox of gameBoxs) { const teamsPlaying = gameBox.querySelectorAll(".team-name").map((team) => team.text); const regex = /[\r\n\s]+/g; const gameHeader = gameBox.querySelector(".game-header").text.replace(regex, " ").trim(); const headerSplit = gameHeader.split(","); // In data, if there is no time, it means it's the last game for the calender const lastGameForCalender = headerSplit.length < 4; if (lastGameForCalender) break; const gameDate = headerSplit[2].trim(); const gameTime = headerSplit[3].trim(); const start = (0, moment_1.default)(gameDate + gameTime, "DD/MM/YYYYHH:mm").toISOString(); const end = (0, moment_1.default)(gameDate + gameTime, "DD/MM/YYYYHH:mm").add(2, "hours").toISOString(); games.push({ summary: 'Maccabi Haifa F.C.', location: "Ofir's stadium", description: `${teamsPlaying[0]} vs. ${teamsPlaying[1]}`, start: { dateTime: start, timeZone: 'Asia/Jerusalem' }, end: { dateTime: end, timeZone: 'Asia/Jerusalem' } }); } return games; } getOpponentIndexByStadium(stadium) { if (stadium === "Sammy Ofer Stadium") { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } exports.default = GameSource;