import { Request, Response } from 'express'; import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'; import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import { User, IUser } from '../mongoose/Schema'; import { clearJwtCookie, setJwtCookie } from '../middlewares/checkAuth.test'; import validate from 'deep-email-validator'; export async function createUser(req: Request, res: Response) { try { const { email, password, address } = req.body; const isValidEmail = await validate(email); if (!isValidEmail.valid) { console.error('Email is invalid:', isValidEmail.validators); return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Email is invalid' }); } if (!(password && address)) { return res.status(400).json({ error: 'All inputs are required' }); } // checkIfUserExists return true if the user exists const userExists = await User.exists({ email }); if(userExists) { return res.status(400).json({ error: 'User already exists, Try login :)' }); } const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10); const user: IUser = await User.create({ email, password: hashedPassword, address, }); res.status(200).json({ massage: 'User created successfully' }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error creating user:', error); res.status(500).json({ error: 'An error occurred while creating the user.' }); } } export async function login(req: Request, res: Response) { try { const { email, password } = req.body; // Check if the user exists const user: IUser | null = await User.findOne({ email }); if (!user) { console.error('User not found'); return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Invalid email or password' }); } // Compare the provided password with the stored password const isPasswordCorrect = await, user.password); if (!isPasswordCorrect) { console.error('Invalid password'); return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Invalid email or password' }); } const payload = { userId: user._id } // Generate a JWT const token = jwt.sign(payload, process.env.JWT_SECRET as string, { expiresIn: '1d' }); setJwtCookie(res, token); // Send the JWT as the response res.status(200).json({ token }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error during login:', error); res.status(500).json({ error: 'An error occurred during login' }); } } export async function logout(req: Request, res: Response) { try { clearJwtCookie(res); res.status(200).json({ message: 'Logout successful' }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error during logout:', error); res.status(500).json({ error: 'An error occurred during logout' }); } }