# Ecomm Backend This repository contains the backend implementation for the Ecomm e-commerce application. ## Description This is a simple e-commerce backend application built with Node.js, TypeScript, Express.js, MongoDB, and Docker. It provides API endpoints to manage users and products. ## Table of Contents - [Technologies Used] - [How to Run] - [API Documentation] - [Users] - [Create a New User] - [Login] - [Products] - [Get All Products] ## Technologies Used - Node.js - TypeScript - Express.js - MongoDB - Mongoose ORM - Docker (docker-compose) - bcrypt - JWT ## How to Run To run the Ecomm backend application, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repository. 2. Ensure that you have Docker and Docker Compose installed. 3. Implement the required environment variables by creating an `.env` file. 4. Run the following command in the root directory: ```` docker-compose up ``` The application will be running on port 3000, and the database will be running on port 27017. API Documentation # Users Create a New User - POST /users Creates a new user. Request Body ``` { "name": "string", "email": "string", "password": "string" } ``` Response Body status code 200 ``` { message: "User created successfully" } ``` status code 400 ``` { message: "User already exists" } ``` status code 500 ``` { message: "Internal server error" } ``` Login - POST /users/login Logs in a user. Request Body ``` { "email": "string", "password": "string" } ``` Response Body status code 200 ``` { access-token: "TOKEN" } ``` # Products Get All Products - GET /products Gets all products. Parameters ``` page: number(default: 0) limit: number(default: 50) ``` Response Body status code 200 ``` { products: [ { _id: "string", name: "string", description: "string", price: number, image: "string", createdAt: "string", updatedAt: "string" } ] } ``` status code 404 ``` { message: "Product not found." } ````