from sqlalchemy.sql import exists from models import db, Event, user_event_association from services.UserService import UserService from datetime import datetime from flask import g from sqlalchemy import func class EventService: @staticmethod def create_event(data): new_event = Event( title=data['title'], description=data.get('description', ''), location=data.get('location', ''), duedate=datetime.strptime(data['duedate'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), user_id=data['user_id'] ) db.session.add(new_event) db.session.commit() return new_event @staticmethod def get_upcoming_events(location=None, sort_by=None): query = Event.query.filter( Event.deleted == False, Event.duedate > ) if location: query = query.filter(Event.location.ilike(f"%{location}%")) # Sort based on the provided sort_by parameter if sort_by == 'date': query = query.order_by(Event.duedate) elif sort_by == 'popularity': query = query.outerjoin(user_event_association).group_by( elif sort_by == 'creation': query = query.order_by(Event.created_at) else: query = query.order_by(Event.duedate) events = query.all() return [event.to_dict() for event in events] @staticmethod def get_event_by_id(event_id, user_id): event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id,user_id=user_id, deleted=False).first() if(event): return event.to_dict() else: return [] @staticmethod def update_event(event_id, data): event = Event.query.get(event_id) if not event: return None event.title = data['title'] event.description = data.get('description', '') event.location = data.get('location', '') event.time = datetime.strptime(data['duedate'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') db.session.commit() return event @staticmethod def delete_event(event_id): event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id, deleted=False).first() if event: event.deleted = True db.session.commit() else: return None return event @staticmethod def attend_event(event_id): user_id = g.user_id # Assuming user_id is stored in Flask's global g object # Check if the event is valid and in the future event = Event.query.filter( == event_id, Event.duedate >, Event.deleted == False ).first() if not event: return {'error': 'Event not found or already passed'} # Check if the user is already associated with the event is_already_attending = db.session.query(exists().where( user_event_association.c.user_id == user_id, user_event_association.c.event_id == event_id )).scalar() if is_already_attending: return {'error': 'User already attending this event'} # Add the user to the event user = UserService.get_user_by_id(user_id) if not user: return {'error': 'User not found'} event.users.append(user) db.session.commit() return {'message': 'User successfully added to the event'} @staticmethod def unattend_event(event_id): user_id = g.user_id # Assuming user_id is stored in Flask's global g object # Check if the event is valid and in the future event = Event.query.filter( == event_id, Event.duedate >, Event.deleted == False ).first() if not event: return {'error': 'Event not found or already passed'} # Check if the user is already associated with the event is_already_attending = db.session.query(exists().where( user_event_association.c.user_id == user_id, user_event_association.c.event_id == event_id )).scalar() if not is_already_attending: return {'error': 'User not attending this event'} # Remove the user from the event user = UserService.get_user_by_id(user_id) if not user: return {'error': 'User not found'} event.users.remove(user) db.session.commit() return {'message': 'User successfully removed from the event'}