first()) { $category = $category ->toArray(); $data['title'] .= $category['title'] . ' Products'; $data['cat_url'] = $cat_url; if ($products = Categorie::find($category['id'])->products) { $data['products'] = $products->toArray(); }else { //No Products Found } }else{ abort(404); } } static public function addToCart($data){ if(!empty ($data['id']) && is_numeric($data['id'])){ // if(! Cart::get($data['id'])){ if($product = self::find($data['id'])){ $product = $product -> toArray(); Cart::add(date('H.i.s') , $product['title'] , $product['price'] , $data['quantity'], ['size' => $data['size'] ,'img' => $product['image'] ]); Session::flash('sm' , $product['title'] . ' Added To Cart!'); } // }else{ // Session::flash('sm-error' , 'Already In Cart'); // } } } static public function save_new($request){ $img = self::loadImage($request); //defult Image $image_name = $img ? $img : 'noimage.png'; //save the pic in the DB $product = new self(); $product ->categorie_id = $request['categorie_id']; $product ->title = $request['title']; $product ->url = $request['url']; $product ->price = $request['price']; $product ->stock = $request['stock']; $product ->sale = $request['sale']; $product ->body = $request['body']; $product ->image = $image_name; $product ->save(); Session::flash('sm' , 'Product As been Saved!'); } static public function find_item($id){ $sql = 'SELECT * FROM products p WHERE = ?'; $item = DB::select($sql,[$id] ); return $item; } static public function update_item($request , $id){ $image_name =self::loadImage($request); //save the pic in the DB $product = self::find($id); $product ->categorie_id = $request['categorie_id']; $product ->title = $request['title']; $product ->url = $request['url']; $product ->price = $request['price']; $product ->stock = $request['stock']; $product ->sale = $request['sale']; $product ->body = $request['body']; if ($image_name) { $product ->image = $image_name; } $product ->save(); Session::flash('sm' , $request['title'].' Product As been Updated!'); } static private function loadImage($request){ $image_name = ''; if ($request->hasFile('image') && $request->file('image')->isValid()) { //take the user pic to our server $file = $request->file('image'); $image_name = date('Y.m.d.H.i.s') . '-' . $file->getClientOriginalName(); $request->file('image')->move( public_path() . '/images' , $image_name); //take the origin pic and make a new one by using Image Class to provent viruses $img = Image::make(public_path() . '/images'.'/' . $image_name); //resize the pic to 300 Width $img->resize(300, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); //save the new pic and overWrite the pic $img ->save(public_path() . '/images'.'/' . $image_name); } return $image_name; } }