/*! owl.carousel2.thumbs - v0.1.8 | (c) 2016 @gijsroge | MIT license | https://github.com/gijsroge/OwlCarousel2-Thumbs */ /** * Thumbs Plugin * @version 2.0.0 * @author Gijs Rogé * @license The MIT License (MIT) */ (function ($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; /** * Creates the thumbs plugin. * @class The thumbs Plugin * @param {Owl} carousel - The Owl Carousel */ var Thumbs = function (carousel) { /** * Reference to the core. * @protected * @type {Owl} */ this.owl = carousel; /** * All DOM elements for thumbnails * @protected * @type {Object} */ this._thumbcontent = []; /** * Instance identiefier * @type {number} * @private */ this._identifier = 0; /** * Return current item regardless of clones * @protected * @type {Object} */ this.owl_currentitem = this.owl.options.startPosition; /** * The carousel element. * @type {jQuery} */ this.$element = this.owl.$element; /** * All event handlers. * @protected * @type {Object} */ this._handlers = { 'prepared.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.namespace && this.owl.options.thumbs && !this.owl.options.thumbImage && !this.owl.options.thumbsPrerendered && !this.owl.options.thumbImage) { if ($(e.content).find('[data-thumb]').attr('data-thumb') !== undefined) { this._thumbcontent.push($(e.content).find('[data-thumb]').attr('data-thumb')); } } else if (e.namespace && this.owl.options.thumbs && this.owl.options.thumbImage) { var innerImage = $(e.content).find('img'); this._thumbcontent.push(innerImage); } }, this), 'initialized.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.namespace && this.owl.options.thumbs) { this.render(); this.listen(); this._identifier = this.owl.$element.data('slider-id'); this.setActive(); } }, this), 'changed.owl.carousel': $.proxy(function (e) { if (e.namespace && e.property.name === 'position' && this.owl.options.thumbs) { this._identifier = this.owl.$element.data('slider-id'); this.setActive(); } }, this) }; // set default options this.owl.options = $.extend({}, Thumbs.Defaults, this.owl.options); // register the event handlers this.owl.$element.on(this._handlers); }; /** * Default options. * @public */ Thumbs.Defaults = { thumbs: true, thumbImage: false, thumbContainerClass: 'owl-thumbs', thumbItemClass: 'owl-thumb-item', moveThumbsInside: false }; /** * Listen for thumbnail click * @protected */ Thumbs.prototype.listen = function () { //set default options var options = this.owl.options; if (options.thumbsPrerendered) { this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer = $('.' + options.thumbContainerClass); } //check what thumbitem has been clicked and move slider to that item $(this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer).on('click', this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer.children(), $.proxy(function (e) { // find relative slider this._identifier = $(e.target).closest('.' + options.thumbContainerClass).data('slider-id'); // get index of clicked thumbnail var index = $(e.target).parent().is(this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer) ? $(e.target).index() : $(e.target).closest('.'+options.thumbItemClass).index(); if (options.thumbsPrerendered) { // slide to slide :) $('[data-slider-id=' + this._identifier + ']').trigger('to.owl.carousel', [index, options.dotsSpeed, true]); } else { this.owl.to(index, options.dotsSpeed); } e.preventDefault(); }, this)); }; /** * Builds thumbnails * @protected */ Thumbs.prototype.render = function () { //set default options var options = this.owl.options; //create thumbcontainer if (!options.thumbsPrerendered) { this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer = $('
').addClass(options.thumbContainerClass).appendTo(this.$element); } else { this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer = $('.' + options.thumbContainerClass + ''); if(options.moveThumbsInside){ this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer.appendTo(this.$element); } } //create thumb items var i; if (!options.thumbImage) { for (i = 0; i < this._thumbcontent.length; ++i) { this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer.append(''); } } else { for (i = 0; i < this._thumbcontent.length; ++i) { this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer.append(''); } } }; /** * Updates active class on thumbnails * @protected */ Thumbs.prototype.setActive = function () { // get startslide this.owl_currentitem = this.owl._current - (this.owl._clones.length / 2); if (this.owl_currentitem === this.owl._items.length) { this.owl_currentitem = 0; } //set default options var options = this.owl.options; // set relative thumbnail container var thumbContainer = options.thumbsPrerendered ? $('.' + options.thumbContainerClass + '[data-slider-id="' + this._identifier + '"]') : this._thumbcontent._thumbcontainer; thumbContainer.children().filter('.active').removeClass('active'); thumbContainer.children().eq(this.owl_currentitem).addClass('active'); }; /** * Destroys the plugin. * @public */ Thumbs.prototype.destroy = function () { var handler, property; for (handler in this._handlers) { this.owl.$element.off(handler, this._handlers[handler]); } for (property in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { typeof this[property] !== 'function' && (this[property] = null); } }; $.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Thumbs = Thumbs; })(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document);