Replace <your-vpc-id> with the VPC ID you got in the first command, and replace <availability-zone-1> and <availability-zone-2> with your preferred availability zones.
2. Create a Network ACL (NACL) and Associate it with Subnets:
You will need to create a Dockerfile and build a Docker image with NGINX and your "Hello Commit" page. Once you have the image, you can push it to a container registry like Amazon ECR or Docker Hub.
5. Deploy the NGINX Container to ECS:
Before deploying, make sure you have an ECS Task Definition and Service configured. Then, use the ECS CLI or AWS Console to create the service and deploy the container to one of your subnets.
Create an ECS service that uses the task definition you just registered. Replace <your-cluster-name>, <your-subnet-id>, and other placeholders with your specific values:
Associate the Security Group with Your ECS Instances:
To associate the newly created security group with your ECS instances, you'll need to update the launch configuration or task definition associated with your ECS cluster. If you're using AWS Fargate, you can specify the security group in the task definition. If you're using EC2 instances for ECS, make sure to specify the security group when launching or updating the instances.
For example, when launching EC2 instances with the create-service command, you can use the --launch-type EC2 option and specify the --security-groups parameter with your security group ID:
You'll need to modify your NGINX configuration to connect to the RDS instance and execute queries. This will depend on your NGINX configuration and application logic.
8. Expose the Service Over HTTPS with a Self-Signed Certificate:
You'll need to create a self-signed certificate and configure NGINX to serve HTTPS requests. This will depend on your NGINX configuration and application logic.